Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar USA Big Muff switch

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by riz.
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  • #24265

    I haven’t had time or money to try to fix my previous issues, but in the meantime i’ve got a new question for you all.
    I just bought an USA made Big Muff, and yes, I love it – even if it’s a huge mess of a pedal.
    Anyway, my problem is the following (it seems to be common):
    1) quite loud “pop” noise when switching,
    2) well, loud hum as well, but it’s set with both volume and sustain cranked, so I don’t know if it’s solvable.

    on 1) i know that some resistor placed somewhere can do the job, but which and where?!?
    and in your opinion, is it worth installing a true-bypass switch (and if it is, is it easy to understand the 9-pin-layout of such a switch)??
    Thanks in advance,

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  • Author
    • #68896
    • #68929

      Mine has a blue LED. All info gratefully received.

    • #68935

      well I tried to put the 1M ohm resistor across input tp and ground, but it doesn’t seem to be that effective.
      I’ll try to re-check the joints and post here what happened.
      In case, if you pedal has a LED, then I found some more info on how to cancel the “pop” thing,
      I’ll try to find the link (it must be buried between my bookmarks) and post that too.
      have a nice day!!!

    • #68927

      riz, I’ve bought a DHA VT1 pedal. Hum is not a problem, but the ‘pop’ is.
      It’s also a “true bypass”. I’m up to my neck in things to do, and this pedal isn’t a high priority. If you find an answer before I do, please post up here.

    • #68907

      they really are mate… 😀
      if anyone has an idea on how make these pedals less hum-generating, let me know…

    • #68913

      Keep us posted, I’m in the very early stages of opening up my pedals and maybe trying to build one or two in time (as in, buying a soldering iron this week, haven’t used one in a decade!) be good to hear how you get on…and Big Muffs are very cool!

    • #68924

      ok I opened the box,
      the pedal actually IS true-bypass, since it’s got this blue square 9-pin switch.
      I checked around on the net and the pop issue can be fixed with a 1M ohm resistor across input jack’s tip and ground (so they say).
      I’ll try that and write here what happens.

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