Fender GB Hot Rod Deluxe – George Benson Signature Amp

Fender releases the GB Hot Rod Deluxe Combo amp, a signature amp that bears George Benson’s seal of approval.

George Benson Signature Fender GB Hot Rod Deluxe
Goerge Pointing at the GB logo

Grammy Award-winner and jazz guitar virtuoso George Benson worked together with Fender to create this versatile jazz amplifier.

At first glance, the outside of the amp carries that distinctive Fender vibe, featuring a stylish gray-black vinyl covering that is matched with a silver-strand grille cloth.

Further inspection will show that this amp is not your typical production amp, the GB logo badge is major hint of the quality and workmanship behind this signature amplifier.

The GB Hot Rod Deluxe is a 40-watt 1×12 combo amp that is specially designed to produce the clean and jazzy lines that made Benson popular. It has the full bottom-end characteristic of 6L6 tubes and comes with a versatile all-tube preamp including a 12AT7 up front for wrinkle-free clean tones.

Since this amp is tweaked to work well with George Benson, it is especially compatible with hollowbody jazz boxes that are equipped with humbucking pickups.

The combo amp comes with a 100-watt Jensen C12K speaker that reproduces the immediacy of Benson’s singing guitar tone. Finally, it is housed in a solid-pine cabinet that helps increase tonal resonance while reducing weight.

Although this signature amp is designed for Jazz, it does retain its standard Hotrod features, including clean and “drive/more-drive” channels, Fender spring reverb, effects loop and more.

George Benson Signature Fender GB Hot Rod Deluxe
Fender GB Hot Rod Deluxe Amp

George Benson was quoted saying: “When I plug my guitar through this amplifier, it gives me everything I’m looking for: punch, power and tonality. The fact that Fender allowed me to design the covering and the amplifier’s looks is outstanding.” He also quipped: “Just to have my name on these is enough prestige for a guitar player from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.” You can check out what George Benson had to say about the amp right here:

This amp ships with a road-worthy deluxe padded cover and a two-button footswitch. You can also check out the optional GB Hot Rod Deluxe 1×12″ extension enclosure, designed to work great with the signature amp, increasing output, fullness and stage coverage.

The GB Hot Rod Deluxe 112 extension cabinet features a closed-back cab design with the same outward appearance as the GB Hotrod Deluxe combo amp. It is dressed in gray-black vinyl covering and silver-strand grille cloth with its own GB logo badge. Just like the combo amp, the extension cabinet is equipped with a Jensen C12K 100-watt speaker and features solid pine construction for lighter weight.

Pricing information for both the combo amp and the matching 1×12 enclosure is still not available. Visit Fender to get more information.

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1 thought on “Fender GB Hot Rod Deluxe – George Benson Signature Amp”

  1. George Benson Tribute Hotrod Amp
    Joe Hancock

    It’s about time someone paid tribute to George Benson’s music, and the fact that is is Fender makes me proud! I am a Fender die-hard! I’ve owned everything Fender from a ’59 tweed to a 65 PA-100, to a Super Champ XD, to currently a Blues Junior (modded) – and love ’em all! I also prefer Fender guitars. I think they have a sound all their own – that cannot be matched by even the most expensive guitars on the planet.

    I’m 65 years old, and I have listened to, and tried to emulate GB’s music for years. I love his sound! I’m not really a jazz player, but I love the the tonality of GB’s music, and hence attempt to incorporate that sound into my genre of music.

    Way to go Fender!!

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