Milbert GAGA D-30 Amplifier

Milbert Amplifiers introduces the GAGA D-30, a 30 Watt amp with auto-biasing, auto-impedance and adjustable headroom.

Milbert GAGA D-30 Amplifier

The GAGA D-30 is a quieter “domestic” version of the GAGA D-60, bearing all its unique features with a bedroom friendly output level.

Just like the GAGA D-60 and D-90, this seemingly straightforward looking amp has some very handy features. Most notable of which is its compatibility with over 30 kinds of tubes, letting you combine them in a myriad of ways. This allows for impressive tonal variety and will help get closer to finding your own tube tone. This extended compatibility works in conjunction with GAGA-D30’s “Auto-Everything” feature, a functionality that allows the amp to automatically adjust its bias for all tubes. It also helps protect the amp and its components.

Speaking of component protection, you won’t have to worry about speaker combinations with the amps auto-impedance and blow-proof technology. Other protective features include regulated power supplies, extended tube lifespan and Auto-Standby technology.

As for its sound, the D-30 amp inherits Milbert GAGA’s adjustable headroom. This allows for great sounding overdrive at lower volumes, down to as low as 1 Watt. It also provides flexible control over your volume and its effect on your tone. The amp is also designed to have no traditional audio output transformers and bulky magnetics, this unique design allows for improved sound transparency.

This amp is P3-Ready, able to provide 9V high-current phantom power for pedals and active pickups that utilize P3 technology. Finally, the D-30 comes in the same light (11 pounds) and compact sturdy housing as the other GAGA series amp. Aside from having interchangeable tubes, this amp also feature easily replaceable faceplate, handle, knobs, rails and even shoes.

Upgradeability is a feature that is unique to the Milbert GAGA D-30 model, you can easily convert it to a more powerful D-60 or even a D-90 by simple switching and adding of components.

Milbert makes all their amps within the USA and is currently selling the Milbert GAGA D-30 at $1,950. You can find out more about this amplifier head by visiting Milbert Amplifiers.

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