Vox AC10C1 10-Watt Tube Amp

Vox Amplification expand their flagship Custom Series tube amplifier line with a 10-watt inbetween model, the AC10C1.

Vox AC10C1

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The AC10C1 sits between the AC15 and AC4, more portable than the AC15 and louder than the AC4. It comes equipped with the same Vox voicing and features built-in reverb and master volume.

Although this is a new release, the AC10 was actually one of the brand’s oldest models and it is one of the first amplifiers to bear the Vox label. The original version was available for a short time in the first half of the ’60s. Decades after its discontinuation in 1965, the a AC10 is still coveted, finding one in good working condition would be hard and will command a premium price tag.

Now 50 years later, Vox decided to bring back this amp as part of their top-of-the-line Custom Series. This means that the company’s best materials and latest technology is used to make the AC10 available for modern players, while retaining the company’s popular “Top Boost” sound.

This 10 Watt amp features two 12AX7 preamps and two EL84 tubes on the poweramp side, voiced in the same manner as the AC15 and AC4, giving out the familiar Vox voicing albeit with more gain capabilities. The amplifier section drives a 10″ Celestion VX10 speaker, both of which are packed inside the usual Vox combo exterior. If you are interested about the dimensions (W x D x H), the specs say 20.47” x 8.27” x 16.14” and it weighs 12.3kg.

The new Vox AC10C1 has essential tone shaping controls the most important of which is the Gain knob which lets you set how much you want to drive the tubes. For trimming and shaping the resulting sound, the amp comes with a Bass and Treble knob. Finally, it has a master volume knob which you can use along with the gain knob to get the right tone you want at the right volume.

Like the original AC10, this new amp comes packed with it’s own reverb effect, although not much details about the effect is provided. Check out the company’s video demos to hear the amp in action:

Vox AC10C1 Overdriven

Vox AC10C1 Clean

The short demo quickly showcased both the overdriven and clean tones and they fall very well within what’s expected from Vox amps. In particular, the clean tone sounds really nice and would definitely be great for small venue gigs and recording, because of it’s smaller size and lighter weight.

Vox Brand Manager Brian Piccolo concludes, “This is the perfect amp whether recording, playing live or just messing around at home. This is without a doubt one of the best sounding amplifiers we’ve ever produced!

Pricing information is not yet available but since the Custom Series AC15 is currently retailing at $800, I expect the new Vox AC10C1 to be priced a bit lower. For more information, visit Vox Amps.

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1 thought on “Vox AC10C1 10-Watt Tube Amp”

  1. Vox AC10C1 - The Drew Brees of Amplifiers
    Les Paul Disciple

    I bought the AC10C1 so that I could finally retire my 1979 Fender Champ. After almost losing my mind via a series of good sounding but not great sounding solid state models (Marshall, Kustom, Peavey & Acoustic), I finally decided to spend a bit more money and get a tube amp. The Vox AC15C1 and the Marshall DCL15 were beyond my reach financially so thankfully I found this model which was only just released six weeks ago.

    Not unlike Saints QB Drew Brees, this amp is a REAL WINNER. Also, like Drew, this amp isn’t the biggest player on the field but it packs one heck of a wallop.

    The sound is huge and the treble and bass controls offer myriad tonal options. The gain control and master volume allow you to dial in a sparkly and ringing clean sound, or a brutal blast of shred-worthy distortion. You would never believe ten watts could be so loud.

    The digital reverb isn’t anything to write home about. Past the “9:00” position it is too “bouncy” and not of much use at all. Used sparingly, it gives a nice ‘big room’ sound but the Fender Deluxe Reverb won’t be losing any sleep over it.

    There is a line out for driving a cabinet but there is no headphone jack, effects loop or auxiliary input. It has a single channel (with the legendary Vox ‘Top Boost’ circuit) and there is only one input for instruments.

    The bottom line is that for use in a studio, or a jam back at the house, this amp is a winner. To quote an old commercial from the 1970’s; “try it, you’ll like it”.

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