Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar A question on a Taylor gutar……..

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  • #24206

    I have an ’06 Taylor 514CE, which by far is the best guitar I have ever recorded with.

    First, let me say I am a recording musician, which means I spend wayyyy to much time under the headphones looking for perfection with an unperfect instrument.

    The expression pickup on a Tayor is a great pick-up, in my opinion. But I have been noticing that in my recordings, the B-string is a little louder then the little E of the G string. I know this is not a major question and that no-one else may be hearing this problem, but who knows, just maybe……….


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  • Author
    • #68646

      Haha… I also used to do that. I’d almost forgotten how poor I was in those days!


    • #68640

      When i was a cash strapped teenager, i couldn’t afford a complete set of new strings, so when a string busted, i used to buy a single string, obviously this string when played would sound louder and brighter than any other string in the chord, this was quickly sorted out by using a tiny piece of loo paper wedged between the overbright string and the nut, varieing the amount of bog roll you stuff between the nut and the string will vary it’s brightness.
      Give it a go, you never know, sometimes the cheap solutions are the best.

    • #68642

      For recording purposes especially, a little delicately applied compression works wonders for this type of cross-string volume difference.

      You might also find changing the make of string helps. Mass-produced hex-core strings are particularly bad (IMHO), having poor tension consistency across the strings. I know that the B and top E are round cross-section, but even so, the manufacturers don’t seem to tension the strings consistently.

      I have been using Newtone Masterclass strings for a few years now. These are hand wound round-core strings, which the manufacturer pre-tensions (for whichever gauge you buy) to be consistent, and they cost no more than most and a lot less than some. They seem to last well too. Once I started using those on my Martin, all the strings seemed to even out in volume when recording.

      Hope this helps.

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