I have build a couple of instruments and would like to know what people of think of my site. I had to put building aside for a while and would like to get back into it.
Related Item:
Here is what we here at GuitarSite.com rate as the best acoustic guitars available for under $300!
would like any info on it.
I still have my 1953 Hansel classic guitar, the hand written label reads "special made Mar 1953" He was recommended to me by an elderly
guitarist in Toronto named Bertram Atkins who owned a Hansel. I went to see Mr Hansel who lived in a house on Seaton St in Toronto south of Dundas. Arthur made most of his guitars for the Eaton Co in Toronto & many of his sturdily made instruments went north to mining & forestry towns. He made me a mandoline to match my custom built guitar. Mahogany back & ribs on both. All done in a workshop at his address. Mr Hansel appeared to be fairly old & stored in his garage was a chrysler "Airflyght" sedan which hadn’t been driven for some years. His neighbour, a large Ukranian man, worked at Canada Packers & used to bring home unwanted animal bones which Arthur used for nuts & bridge inserts. Mrs Hansel was part of the welcoming committee & was missing a finger on a hand. When my guitar was finished & I went to pick it up a little party ensued. Arthur played German folk tunes on his button accordian whilst singing & I played 3-chord accompanyment on my new guitar. The big neighbour was present & had one beer too many & fell over when he got up from the chesterfield!
The pine top had a sprayed on finish which eventually developed a network of cracks. So I paid another German luthier to remove the bridge, clean off the synthetic finish & plane off some of the pine.
(I couldn’t bring myself to ask Mr Hansel to do it} This improved the tone & sustain. The machine head eventually failed & I replaced it with an equivalent quality & this one is now starting to fail. A feature of the Hansel classical is that the bridge end of the
sound box has enough flat that the guitar will stand up vertically on a level surface without need of a ‘guitar stand’. My daughter learned to play on the Hansel & now my grandaughter is trying. The only criticism I have is that the 1st string is a shade too close to the edge of the fingerboard so that when attempting slurred notes the string sometimes slips off the edge & muffles the note. This well made guitar will outlast me & give pleasure to players for years to come.
I have a small Gibson guitar that was made boseman montana. It is called a formula 15 and is a unsusported back (no ribbs). Can you tell me anything about it and it’s approxmate value? I also have a Alvarez copy of a Gibson dove. I would like to know the approxmate value of it if anyone knows. The guitar is 35 years old
This popular thread has been given its own page : Arthur Hansel Guitars
Hi Nancy,
Your post is quite old but I’ll assume you’re still looking for info on Arthur Hansel. Note – this is only a partial story, there are lots of holes.
Arthur Hansel and his second wife came to Canada in the 1930’s. He was divorced and had a son in Germany, where he trained as a cabinet maker (I believe). The couple came to Canada via the UK – for reasons unknown.
On arrival in Canada the Hansels were partially supported by my grandparents. Things were still pretty tough here – it was the 1930’s.
The Hansels purchased a house on Seaton St. in Toronto. Arthur setup his first workshop there. Sometime later Mrs Hansel passed away (I don’t have dates).
Arthur and my grandmother got married in about 1962 or 1963 (my grandfather had passed away in 1960). They each sold their homes and purchased another at 55 MacDonald St in Scarborough. Mr Hansels workshop at this point was in the basement of the house.
I remember growing up and having all kinds of wood toys and playthings, courtesy of Mr. Hansel.
I’ll have to end the story here. I have to run out for a bit. I’ll continue it when I get back in.
This is a very old post, I am gathering information about Arthur Hansel Frank, could you contact me please.
Your post is quite old, are you still looking for info on Arthur Hansel? Leave a new post and I’ll watch this forum.
Do you know if Arthur was the son of Unico who apparently ran a factory making guitars from about 1922-1932? in Munich for Alfred Schmid nachf. a music distributor etc. ? He (Unico Hensel) also seems to have been involved in piano design and was around 60 years old in 1930. As near as I can tell Arthur Hensel was a sophisticated maker who probably had at least ten years or so experience in a shop before he arrived in Canada. He seems to have worked into the mid-1960’s possibly under the name of Douglas for Eaton’s. Thanks, Juris Poruks
Hi Juris,
I’ll be talking to my mom and aunt later today, I’ll ask them.
Thanks Frank for any information you can garner. I look forward to future communications. Sincerely, Juris
No new info yet. Mom/aunt can’t verify dates. Will try contacts in Germany. I’ll post here as I get more info. Frank
Hensel apparently changed his name to Hansel around the beginning of WWII. The chip-carved slotted headstocks all seem to say “Hensel.” I’m pretty sure he arrived in Canada as a Hensel. I’ve not seen this discussed in this forum hence some confusion. Sincerely, Juris
His name was changed in the Toronto directory of 1936 to Hansell (note the two l’s ) from the previous Hensel. I have only seen Hansel with one l on a guitar. Sincerely, Juris
The earliest published reference to Arthur Hensel in Canada I can find is a listing in the Toronto 1933 directory as a “violin maker” at 173 Dundas. Has anyone seen a Hensel/Hansel violin? Sincerely, Juris
Hi Juris,
I saw one violin, as a child, in Mr Hansels workshop on MacDonald. That’s the only one I’m aware of. I’m sure there are more.
It’d difficult to get new info about Arthur Hansel. I’ve talked with my aunt, Arthur was married to her mother, and she gave me another view on the story. Arthurs marriage to my grandmother ruffled a few feathers in the family. For reasons best kept private.
Juris are you in Canada?
Hello Frank, Yes, I’m in Canada. I’ve been doing some research on the stringed instrument making activities of the R.S. Williams Co. and of course Hensel or Hansel’s name comes up. I only know of him as a good guitar maker and am completely unaware of any details of his personal life and character but for what is posted on the internet and any unfounded speculation is probably best left unsaid. I came across a guitar by Unico Hensel of Munich made in the 1920s and was wondered if there is any familial connection which is why I made my initial inquiry. I suppose the directory listing describing Arthur Hensel as a violin maker may be simply a generic term for any stringed instrument maker. If you have any more details of his life and career I’d be grateful if you would share them. Sincerely, Juris P.S. Sorry to be so long-winded. J.
Hi Juris, vaguely recall seeing some Hansel violins as a child. It’s a hazy memory as that was a long time ago. I’ve managed to find some of his tools. A former neighbour of his had 8-10 wood planes. I don’t know where the guitar jigs got to but I’ve love to find them. It’s getting harder to find info as a lot of people have passed away. I have a ton of photos to dig through when I find some time. Bye for now. Frank
Arthur Hensel changed his name to Hansell (possibly a misprint for Hansel) around 1936 when he was listed in the Toronto directory as a “violin maker” at 149 Mutual. Previously he was listed as Hensel, either an “instrument maker” or initially, in 1933, as a “violin maker.” Does this make 1936 the cut-of date for Hensel instruments? I have never seen or heard of a Hensel/Hansel violin. Can anyone post a photo of Mr. Hensel or Hansel?
Hi Juris,
No new info for now. Most of the people with info regarding this subject have passed on. My mom mentioned she had a ton of old letters to look through. I’m assuming some of these letters belonged to my grandparents. I’ll post new info here as I come across it.
If anyone can add to this story please feel free to post here.
: Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks
: Nancy Ryan
: [email protected]
Nancy, I have a guitar made by Arthur Hansel #207 year 1951. I was wondering if you had found out any new information about the guitars.
: Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks
: Nancy Ryan
: [email protected]
: : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : Thanks
: : Nancy Ryan
: : [email protected]
I just bought a Arthur Hensel guitar “Hand made” November 1948 # 205. In original aged condition. No cracks just aged.
Hello Gerry,was just looking for info on my 1949 number 205 ,almost gave up again since all I could find out is from 2006 then I saw your post .If you don’t mind me asking ? how much did you pay for your 48 ? Have you any idea how much they generally sell for? I’m looking to sell mine but have no idea what a fair price would be to ask Can you help me out? or do you anyone who might know .mine has the original finish on the top ,but the sides and back got refinished because the back had a 6-8″ crack in it, is has been repaired and re-varnished[back and sides only] neck and top still original top has a cigarete burn beauty mark but that’s all, and half the machine heads are different,hoping you can help me out THANK YOU happy picking Warren
Interesting to read the posts on Hansel guitars. I also have one, originally bought at the time through Sears, I believe…the label says:
Hand Made
Arthur Hansel
November 4, 1946
No 205
Hi John has anyone ever found any other info\values for Arthur HANSEL guitars? any idea if there is a Arthur Hensel? who also made guitars ,or is it just that no one can read their label correctly? because my guitar’s label is clearly printed Hand made by Arthur Hansel! written by hand is the date {January 1949} printed is no.[number] also hand written 205. any info would be appreciated Thanks Warren
I believe Arthur Hansel passed away in the early 1970’s. I’m not sure the exact year. He and my grandmother were married in the early 1960s. They both owned homes on Seaton Street in Toronto’s Cabbagetown. Arthur’s original workshop was in his house. I know there’s pictures around here somewhere.
If anyone is interested I’ll see if I can dig up more info? Post a note here and let me know.
I have one with only the name “Hensel” carved across the top of the headstock. Not the “Artist” or any other name as appears on every one that I’ve seen online. No label inside. Solid headstock, (without the middle carved out) Anyone have an idea what year it might be? Late 40’s-early 50’s ? Earlier-later?
Solid headstock without the slots carved in for the tuners? I think I might have the same one. The Hensel on mine is carved in an arc. Not flat like all others that I’ve seen. Yours too? Also has some diamonds with the fret markers. No pics of one like it that I’ve found either. (If the same closed 3-on-plate “Klusen Delux” type), I think they (The tuners) are from between 47 and the first half of 52.
Hi Warren, My label is exactly like yours, except for the date (NOVEMBER 4. 1946) of course, and mine also has the same hand written number, 205. The printed ARTHUR HANSEL is clear, with the A in Hansel. Plus, Hansel is inlaid into the head of the guitar in a scrolled script, going from large to smaller letters. The A is very clear there as well.
However, I do see at this site http://www.jedistar.com/jedistar_vintage_guitar_dating_h1.htm a label clearly showing Arthur Hensel. Also references to Hensel elsewhere, like this site http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/2011/11/15/murray_mclauchlan_new_tool_yields_tunes.html
I can only speculate, but I can’t help to think it is the same Arthur, using two different spellings–perhaps one when working for R. S. Williams and another perhaps on his own. Again, that’s pure speculation. But it seems to far of a coincident to think there two people at the same place and time, building similar instruments.
Thanks, John
I own one. Dated October 1951 # 203. Beautiful guitar. "Hand made by Arthur Hansel". To think of all the different players that have strummed and picked on it over the years.. thanks Art! I’ll never know you but your craft lives on beyond your years.
: : : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : : Thanks
: : : Nancy Ryan
: : : [email protected]
There is something weird here about the timeline, I own one that says Handmade by Arthur Hansel september 1946 No.205. If the No.203 is from 1949, how can the No.205 be from 1946??
By the way it’s one of the finest sound I heard on accoustic guitars since I play guitar. My grand-father bought it 150$ in the 40’s and gave it to me 3 days ago.
I think it would be a great idea to get informations about Hansel’s guitar!
For infos: [email protected]
The guitars might be numbered 1 through n for each year. When the year changed he might have started numbering at 1 again. E.g. 1946 1 to 205, 1947 1 to 200, 1948 1 to 206, 1949 1 to 205. Just guessing. Frank
: There is something weird here about the timeline, I own one that says Handmade by Arthur Hansel september 1946 No.205. If the No.203 is from 1949, how can the No.205 be from 1946??
: By the way it’s one of the finest sound I heard on accoustic guitars since I play guitar. My grand-father bought it 150$ in the 40’s and gave it to me 3 days ago.
: I think it would be a great idea to get informations about Hansel’s guitar!
: For infos: [email protected]
Could it be 203 and 205 are model numbers, not serial numbers? My mom has some photos of Arthur stashed somewhere, I’ll have to locate them. FM
If anyone is interested I’m considering creating a Wikipedia page about Arthur Hansel. My mom has several photos of Arthur during the period he was married to my grandmother. I’ll post a note here if a page is acceptable to Wikipedia. If anyone is interested please post here to let me know. Thanks. Frank
Ant – If you’re interested I posted some info about Arthur Hansel above. Frank
Don’t know what I did wrong to get those other messages duplicated. Hensel guitars are plentiful around here. I have one and three of my friends have them. There’s another in the auction tomorrow and if the price is right I’ll have a spare. As with all Canadians it’s difficult to get information on Arthur Hensel. All the Artist Hensel guitars here have the gold R. S. Williams label inside. All the guitars sound alike and as good as a D-18 Martin but not valuable as the name is not known.
: Don’t know what I did wrong to get those other messages duplicated. Hensel guitars are plentiful around here. I have one and three of my friends have them. There’s another in the auction tomorrow and if the price is right I’ll have a spare. As with all Canadians it’s difficult to get information on Arthur Hensel. All the Artist Hensel guitars here have the gold R. S. Williams label inside. All the guitars sound alike and as good as a D-18 Martin but not valuable as the name is not known.
: Fred
I own an Artist model, made by Arthur Hensel for that R.S. Williams and Son Store, probably built in the late 1930’s or early 1940’s… Had to replace the tuners on it probably 15 years ago but it’s all original other from that. Its got a wonderful sound, the bass especially is exquisite. Wondering what this thing could be worth nowadays.. Any Idea anyone?
: : Don’t know what I did wrong to get those other messages duplicated. Hensel guitars are plentiful around here. I have one and three of my friends have them. There’s another in the auction tomorrow and if the price is right I’ll have a spare. As with all Canadians it’s difficult to get information on Arthur Hensel. All the Artist Hensel guitars here have the gold R. S. Williams label inside. All the guitars sound alike and as good as a D-18 Martin but not valuable as the name is not known.
: : Fred
: I own an Artist model, made by Arthur Hensel for that R.S. Williams and Son Store, probably built in the late 1930’s or early 1940’s… Had to replace the tuners on it probably 15 years ago but it’s all original other from that. Its got a wonderful sound, the bass especially is exquisite. Wondering what this thing could be worth nowadays.. Any Idea anyone?
I just bought one for 150 bucks and it was owned by a great grandfather! I don’t think I’d sell it cause the sound is really warm and clear. You’d swear the thing has a speaker in it lol. No, not a resonator model, an artist hensel , rs williams spruce top. I was researching and Maple sides? The maple definately would be the reason for the cannon sound in a 00 size body. These are hand made gems with solid tonewood and cool inlay around the tone hole.I need to find a luthier as old as this guitar and i will set it up nice.Pickin and grinnin …………
: : Don’t know what I did wrong to get those other messages duplicated. Hensel guitars are plentiful around here. I have one and three of my friends have them. There’s another in the auction tomorrow and if the price is right I’ll have a spare. As with all Canadians it’s difficult to get information on Arthur Hensel. All the Artist Hensel guitars here have the gold R. S. Williams label inside. All the guitars sound alike and as good as a D-18 Martin but not valuable as the name is not known.
: : Fred
: I own an Artist model, made by Arthur Hensel for that R.S. Williams and Son Store, probably built in the late 1930’s or early 1940’s… Had to replace the tuners on it probably 15 years ago but it’s all original other from that. Its got a wonderful sound, the bass especially is exquisite. Wondering what this thing could be worth nowadays.. Any Idea anyone?
I too have a Arthur Hensel. Hand made Expressly for The R.S. Williams & Sons Co. Ltd. Where would I look to see how old it is?
I also have an Artist made (1920’s ?) for RS Williams
in Toronto. It is a 3/4 size palour guitar with a split
ribbon back, ribbon inlay on the sides and has kluson type
tuners with a metal tailpiece. The only similar guitars
I can compare this to is the early Washburn palour guitars.
My question is this: Did Arthur Hensel really make all those guitars and not leave any trace of where his workshop
was in Toronto. In order to produce the volume he produced
he would have had to have employees working for him or
did he just contract out the jobs. Remember a lot of
early guitars were made by Washburn and Harmony.
I don’t mind being wrong on this and I apologize if I
offended anyone, but he did produce quite a bit of
volume for one person.
: My question is this: Did Arthur Hensel really make all those guitars and not leave any trace of where his workshop
: was in Toronto.
I believe his first workshop was on Seaton Street in Cabbagetown. His second workshop was in the basement of 55 MacDonald Avenue in Scarborough. He shared the house with my grandmother.
The name of the builder was actually Arthur Hensel. From what I have learned, he worked for R&S Williams Company and built guitars under a variety of names including Artist, Hamilton, and Hensel. (I have a Hamilton guitar, date unknown.)
: The name of the builder was actually Arthur Hensel. From what I have learned, he worked for R&S Williams Company and built guitars under a variety of names including Artist, Hamilton, and Hensel. (I have a Hamilton guitar, date unknown.)
: I found a Hansel Deluxe guitar on its way to the garbage in about 1960. It was not cracked but needed a new nut because it was for a left hander. I made a front nut or fret and put on a set of strings. I still have it and play it when there ia time. I have looked for one in stores but never could find one or find anyone that could give me a little history on this one
Although this post was from 10 years ago. Do you still have the left handed Hansel? I’ve just recently found about about hansel and am a left handed player. Wonder how many left handed guitars there are out there.
: : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : Thanks
: : Nancy Ryan
: : [email protected]
Hi Nancy
I Have also. It’s modeol 203 made in 1948. I was also wondering about the value of it. If I find out I’ll let you know. Might be wise to go to one of those Autions that are on television.
These guitars were made in Canada. My Uncle purchased it from Sears in 1948.
Keep in touch if you find anythinbg else out.
Thanks Ron
: : : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : : Thanks
: : : Nancy Ryan
: : : [email protected]
: Hi Nancy
: I Have also. It’s modeol 203 made in 1948. I was also wondering about the value of it. If I find out I’ll let you know. Might be wise to go to one of those Autions that are on television.
: These guitars were made in Canada. My Uncle purchased it from Sears in 1948.
: Keep in touch if you find anythinbg else out.
: Thanks Ron
: : : : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : : : Thanks
: : : : Nancy Ryan
: : : : [email protected]
: : Hi Nancy
: : I Have also. It’s modeol 203 made in 1948. I was also wondering about the value of it. If I find out I’ll let you know. Might be wise to go to one of those Autions that are on television.
: : These guitars were made in Canada. My Uncle purchased it from Sears in 1948.
: : Keep in touch if you find anythinbg else out.
: : Thanks Ron
My Dad has an Arthur Hensel Mandolin that he also purchased from Sears around that time. I believe the label says ‘handmade by Arthur Hensel June, 1948’. My Dad is 83 and still playing…the instrument had a beautiful tone and just keeps getting better.
Perhaps there were Hensel Guitars but the enquiry was for Arthur Hansel – that is the correct spelling – I’m looking at the original label
: : : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : : Thanks
: : : Nancy Ryan
: : : [email protected]
: Hi Nancy
: I Have also. It’s modeol 203 made in 1948. I was also wondering about the value of it. If I find out I’ll let you know. Might be wise to go to one of those Autions that are on television.
: These guitars were made in Canada. My Uncle purchased it from Sears in 1948.
: Keep in touch if you find anythinbg else out.
: Thanks Ron
: Perhaps there were Hensel Guitars but the enquiry was for Arthur Hansel – that is the correct spelling – I’m looking at the original label
: : : : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : : : Thanks
: : : : Nancy Ryan
: : : : [email protected]
: : Hi Nancy
: : I Have also. It’s modeol 203 made in 1948. I was also wondering about the value of it. If I find out I’ll let you know. Might be wise to go to one of those Autions that are on television.
: : These guitars were made in Canada. My Uncle purchased it from Sears in 1948.
: : Keep in touch if you find anythinbg else out.
: : Thanks Ron
I also have a Hansel Guitar model 203 WOW what a sound!! If you have any information please email me [email protected] as I am finding it hard to find any information on this as well. Thanks
I have a 1953 mandolin (202) by Mr. Hansel, which I bought in Perth, Ontario in 1999. Spruce top, mahogany back & sides, rosewood fingerboard. Very nice – the look, the sound and even the smell. But I’ve never seen another except in pictures.
I have another mandolin, which I found stripped and hanging on the wall of a junkshop in Belleville, Ont. Solid spruce top, mahogany back and sides, rosewood fretboard & nut. It has his signature chip-carved “Artist Hensel” headstock. I’ve posted a few pics to a thread on the Mandolin Cafe.
http://www.mandolincafe.com/forum/showthread.php?5770-Hensel-Mandolin-c-a-1940. It’s a sweet sounding instrument. I paid $50 for it, and another $150 to a luthier for a new bridge, tailpiece & setup, and it’s the best $200 I’ve ever spent on an instrument.
Perhaps there were Hensel Guitars but the enquiry was for Arthur Hansel – that is the correct spelling – I’m looking at the original label
: : : : Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
: : : : Thanks
: : : : Nancy Ryan
: : : : [email protected]
: : Hi Nancy
: : I Have also. It’s modeol 203 made in 1948. I was also wondering about the value of it. If I find out I’ll let you know. Might be wise to go to one of those Autions that are on television.
: : These guitars were made in Canada. My Uncle purchased it from Sears in 1948.
: : Keep in touch if you find anythinbg else out.
: : Thanks Ron
Hi Nancy and Ron
I also have a Hansel guitar, it is an Artist, but I cannot tell you the serial number at this time. The guitar is in my workshop where I am attempting to learn to play it. A year or so ago, I had been in contact with Irene, and somehow, Folkway music of Guelph got involved. They too have a Hansel in their collection. If you find any more history, please let me know.
:I have a Hansel guitar which was purchased for me in 1942 in Windsor Ont and I believe the price was $40…my brother also has one. We have no idea what they are worth to-day ..My Hansel has followed me to Nova Scotia ..It still has a wonderful sound
Is there anyone who could give me a resource site or any information on this fine guitar maker (Arthur Hansel) From what I can gather he hand made by himself about 3 or 4 hundred guitars. Some commisioned for some international artist. There are others looking but the tread has been discontinued. They are very rare guitars and there just isn’t too much info out there that I can find. I have a dear old friend who is planning his estate and wants to pass on some history and value of the guitar to his beneficiary and for his own interest as well. The guitar was bought in the 50’s and the label states Handmade by Arthur Hensel #203 in 1949. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Nancy Ryan
[email protected]
Hey, folks…I’ve seen and had a few Hensel guitars over the years…all ‘Artist’ models, with the exception of one ‘Minerva’ model, similar to the others… my friend Bruce Dowd of Dowd Musical Instruments (on Gelebemount, off the Danforth) in Toronto has several that he has restored (including the Minerva I gave him after trading it for a B&S Grange of much lower quality, also made in Toronto)… Bruce gave me a Hensel mandolin, the only one either of us has seen… he is a top drawer luthier and repairman, and knowledgeable fellow with a keen interest in Hensel instruments.
I found one a few years ago, and it’s sat round here since. Has a warped neck, and can’t decide if it’s worth fixing or if I should just sell it. It sounds GREAT as a slide guitar, and seems to have a one piece Mahogany back.. Top adirondack?
I have an old Hensel guitar, am certainly interested in any info that is available out there, I’ve had it for about 8 years, and really don’t know much more about it.
Is there another site where there are pics from people on Hensels? I could post some pics… I first realized it might be special when i saw the article about Murray McLauchlin [pardon my spelling] finding one and making a CD with it. ARticle was in the Star..
I recently acquired a Hansel and also looking for more info. Headstock only has Hansel running between the pegs and 2 small details at the top. Metal tuners, no pickguard and no sticker.
Hello…I am repairing a Hansel 1952
Made in May .It is unlike any described or
shown on the web.I have found only
one photo of the same inside label
And only one of the same type of head
stock.The photo of the label that I found
On the net…also shows a no.207
So those numbers are NOT meaning
how many of that type of guitar
were made.
I would sure like to find out more
about this particular model with the
Very plain headstock which has Hanse
printed in black straight down the headstock
…the letters getting smaller toward the
Folkway Music in Waterloo, Canada has a page containing photos of several Hansel guitars:
I’m trying to research Hansel information through relatives in Germany. It all takes time. Right now I have nothing new to report.
Jan 13, 2018
Hi friends I just bought a Arthur Hansel Gtr for $ 50 bucks . I would like to learn more about the maker and his shops. Frank if your still out there or anyone with info could you email me.
Thx !!
For sale Guitar Guitar Bellevue College of Music London Serial number 032
The-R.S. Williams and sons Co, Limited
431 King St. West Toronto
After more research, it turns out this guitar could have been made anywhere between 1890 and 1928.
Since 1928 was the last year the business was named “R.S. Williams & Sons Co., Toronto”,
it had to have been produced before then. I figured it was made in the 1920s but apparently it might be much older .
I’ve been looking for days and not found a single guitar that looks remotely like this
(it actually looks a lot like an early 1920s Washburn, but this one was made in Toronto by the R.S.
Williams Piano Company .
I know that the company had at least two known Luthiers working for them .
Mine been fixed but I dont know by who !!! and when!!!!!
If you need picture go to my Facebook you will see it on my page
I have the Guitar Bellevue serial number 032
Guitar Bellevue College of Music London
The-R.S. Williams and sons Co, Limited
431 King St. West Toronto
I wanted to sell it it is a very nice guitar
I have picture of it
Mario – Are you selling your Williams guitar? If so please let me know how much, and send a couple of pictures if you can.
I had a Hansel guitar given to me about 30 years ago. The friend who gave it to me bought it from Mr. Hansel himself in Cabbagetown in the late forties for the princely sum of $50. I played that thing nonstop and have an old picture of me of me sitting at the table we made(I we were cabinet makers) playing the guitar it was an archtop sort of blackened sunburst. It wasn’t much to look at but it played like a dream and was the most beautiful sounding guitar. After my friend committed suicide I decided to give the guitar back to his family so that maybe future generations might learn to play it and appreciate it. So I know he worked out of Cabbagetown at one point because my friend went to his shop and told me he had several guitars on the go and had to dust off the one he sold him. He told me he was kind of gruff and preoccupied and was very abrupt after receiving his money and turned quickly back to building guitars. About 10 years later a friend of mine aquired a Hansel dreadnaught. Very plain and once again the tone was amazing.
Value wise his guitars look like Kays so you might not get the kind of price you think its worth but if they play it its worth more than twice what a Gibson of the same vintage goes for maybe more Ive never heard a nicer sounding guitar. And by the way Cabbagetown is in Toronto Ontario
I have a Hansel guitar with all the familiar markings mentioned above. I placed with a luthier for a neck reset, along with various cracks, splits repair. Wondering what it would be worth when restored.
We have a 1948 hansel mandolin 202 mint what’s the worth ??? Please send any info thanks
have an “Artist” guitar , handmade by Arthur Hensel for R.L. Williams and son.Very old probably 1940’s. was my deceased father’s and was played a lot but I know nothing about guitars and would like to know the value,if any.
I have an Arthur Hansel guitar with number 207 on the label. It’s a fine steel string model, very nice sounding.
Could you please email me.
I am working on a display for Folkway Music in Guelph.
[email protected]
I own some Hansel guitars and would like more info on Arthur and the history. Can you email me info? Thanks! [email protected]
Is anyone still looking for Arthur Hansel information? A lot of these posts are pretty old, though I saw one from 2013.
If anyone is still interested just add a post to the ones above and I’ll start looking through the old photos we have. Arthur Hansel was married to my grandmother, in Toronto, in the early 1960s (don’t quote me on dates). I believe he had a house and shop on Seaton Street in Cabbagetown. After he and my grandmother got married both sold their houses and bought a place on MacDonald Avenue in Scarborough.
Let me know if more info is desired.
I have a Arthur Hansel in excellent condition . I’m very interested in the history. Please email me . K
Hi Frank
Could you please email me some info on Arthur Hensel and maybe a picture as I had one of his guitars given to me and would like some info on him
Thanks Bill Huey
Hello again! I just noticed after reading my comments that I misspelled Arthur but every thing else is correct.
hand made by Arthur Hansel January 1949 no.205 it’s not model no.
Does any know the value of these guitars?
hello out there! I HAVE A Aurthur HANSEL IT’S NOT HENSEL My dad bought it from Sears as well in 1949 the label inside is: HAND MADE BY AURTHUR HANSEL JANUARY 1949 NO.205[ NUMBER205] NOT MODEL205
This popular thread has been given its own page : Vega Profundo Acoustic
: I have a Vega model #8486 Profundo Acoustic Guitar. Can anyone tell me about this guitar,I have been knocking myself out with no luck. Everyone says no such animal?
I too have a Vega Profundo flat top guitar. Mine is a parlor type concert guitar. She has a deep sound and is easy as butter to play.
Mine is a 1954 model with a solid spruce top and mohogany back and sides. Relatively small body, compared to my Martin, but nice and light with a good feel.
Sorry I can’t offer any more than that. I have been searching for quite some time to find information on my guitar as well. It doesn’t seem that there is much out there on them. Maybe some day it will catch on as a popular collectable. until then, I’ll just keep enjoying playing mine without thought of its worth. What the heck, works for me…
I have a Vega model #8486 Profundo Acoustic Guitar. Can anyone tell me about this guitar,I have been knocking myself out with no luck. Everyone says no such animal?
Hey I am looking for a Johnny Ramone mosrite style guitar, but I dont have $3000. Can anybody help me out?
My father owns a acoustic guitar that was made in german it is called "lone eagal". In the place of the sound hole is a laser cut miral. Do you know what I am talking about. If you know where I could find these guitars I would appriciate it. Thank you.
We are a guitar shop located in Malaysia.Now we are looking urgently the new brand guitar and acessories.Please contact us as soon as possible,Thank you.
hi there, i am from sunway selangor. I am looking for a gibson les paul standard 2 electric guitar. do you guys carry them? if yes, may i know what is your price range? thanks!
he is does the most breath taking work, and his archtops are to live for… If you want pure artistry, Paul, is the man you want to build for you your dream jazzbox!…..