Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Advice for a newbie-Strat or SG?

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  • #22810

    I’m completely green at playing, and I’m looking at buying a new guitar soon. I’ve found a Fender American Standard Stratocaster (all single coil) for 00 on closeout, and a Gibson SG Special Faded (double humbuckers) for 40. I realize that this is an apples to oranges comparison, but I’d like to get some opinions on which is better for a starter. I’ll probably be playing mostly classic rock, with a little punk and blues mixed in. I’m leaning toward the Gibson, since it has the humbuckers and I like the worn-in look and feel. To mix it up a little more, I’m also looking at a Fender Mexican Strat (all singles) that’s closing out at 60. Any takes from the been-there-done-that crowd here would be appreciated.


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    • #66903

      Get the SG, because the Strat will have a tremolo on it, and all this will do is send your guitar out of tune.

    • #66902

      Fender Strat or Gibson SG? Hmmm… difiicult choice.
      Both are cracking guitars, i would probably give the edge to the Gibson SG though, i prefer the sound and feel.

      I’ve seen some good deals on Gibson SG’s in the UK:

    • #66941

      For a learner guitar i’d go for the Mex Strat, but have you considered a used SG standard? your Faded SG is OK but ive played one and they just look and feel sub-standard, they feel cheap, the bodies are thinner, it has no shiny laquer on the body or neck, pickups are the same, as is the hardware. Why buy a brand new guitar that looks worn? why not buy a real worn guitar for less money?

      Have a look at this one:

      A 2002 model, looks to be in treasured condition, you get a lot of standards come up like this.
      Dont forget if you pay $650 for a used SG standard today, then get bored
      with it, you can put it back up on ebay and get your money back, i dont think you will with new guitar.
      Doesnt matter how old it is, or if you scratch it or dink it, you will easily get your money back.

      Oh and if you do decide to buy a new guitar or used, always go for a ‘Standard Model’ in a ‘Standard colour’ what you consider to be a really cool Ice Custard Yellow with Green hardware on a signature Strat as used by ‘Micky Trim from the Green Desperado’s’ wont be everybody elses
      cup of tea when you come to sell it, and not a lot of people will be bidding on it.

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