Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics Applause by Ovation AE28 vs Fender Stratacoustic

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  • #19730

    My nephew is starting to play the guitar and wants an acoustic/electric guitar for Christmas. He has it down between the Applause by Ovation AE28 and the Fender Stratacoustic. His parent’s price range is between 00-300. Anyone have any suggestions on these or alternatives? I’ve been searching online some and have heard good write ups on the Applause and mixed ones on the Fender. I came upon this site and thought I would ask you guys. Thanks a lot!

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    • #108472

      I have a stratacoustic, and have played an AE28, and given the choice I would choose the Ovation. The fender sounds fine plugged in, but unplugged I think it sounds very shallow/tinny (alot of top end… bass lacking) and since it is so shallow there isn’t much ‘volume’ when played unplugged… but I like the small size, makes a good practice/knock around guitar. In my opinion the ovation has a ‘fuller’ acoustic sound, and sounds better (acoustically) plugged in. I paid $115 for a used stratacoustic on ebay, and bought it on a ‘whim’, and for that price I like it but for $200 I would not buy it (and probally might not have if I played it first). but the strat looks like a strat, and plugged in sounds great ‘down and dirty’, so if your nephew is looking for a ‘cool’ guitar to jam with I would get the strat, if he plans to play ‘seriously’ I would get the ovation…. well thats my 2 cents worth, and check out the reviews at harmony central. : My nephew is starting to play the guitar and wants an acoustic/electric guitar for Christmas. He has it down between the Applause by Ovation AE28 and the Fender Stratacoustic. His parent’s price range is between $200-300. Anyone have any suggestions on these or alternatives? I’ve been searching online some and have heard good write ups on the Applause and mixed ones on the Fender. I came upon this site and thought I would ask you guys. Thanks a lot!

      • #111697

        mr2u: How much would you sell the Strat for? Drop me an email. thanks…

      • #109791

        I’d suggest Ovation – Fender is by no means a very great electric, but when it comes to acoustic, they simply don’t have a chance

      • #109404

        I also have a stratacoustic, and am very happy with it’s preformance, to me, it blends nicely and has an almost perfect tone balance, they are great guitars and perfect for anyone unsure of they’re style because it so diverse or for anywho who does desire a specific tine as it can be ‘set’ to many different sounds and feels to give anyone the needed results, plugged in and distorted it sound much like my stratocaster, non distorted much like a folk guitar and unplugged it does lack a little in the bass but that can easily be fixed by changing some strings to thicker ones, a very cheap answer. i am thoroughly happy with it and would suggest it. i agree it isn’t the greatest as classical or serious folk but it can be pulled off, but don’t underestimate its versitility. Just another opinion for ya.

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