by Will Landrum
Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning in again!
In a previous lesson, I talked a little about creating cool riffs with wide intervals and I cited an example from one of my instrumental tunes, “Fullness Of Time”. Today I’d like to take you deeper into that composition.
Following the main riff which you learned last time, comes a complimentary melody that I derived from a simple Em7 arpeggio at the seventh position.
Remember, an arpeggio is just the notes of a chord played separately the same way you would play a scale.
This Em7 arpeggio melody is played over the sustaining Em7 chord at the end of the main riff and is quickly followed by a D and E power chord slide.
If you play an Em7 chord at the seventh fret, you will quickly see a fingering guideline to use for this arpeggiated melody. The Em7 chord at the seventh fret is this:
All I did was mix up the notes of the arpeggio with notes of the E minor scale to form a melodic run that timed well with the beginning of the next main riff.
I then accented the melody with a fast sweep picked E11b9 arpeggio at the twelfth fret and then an Am9 arpeggio at the seventh fret for added flavor.
So, with that all said, here’s how this melody is played!
E11b9 Sweeping Arpeggio
Am9 Sweeping Arpeggio