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  • #23169
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    Australian slide guitarist and singer/songwriter Leigh Sloggett has released his debut CD “Sliding To Your Destiny”, the title track inspired by near tragedy.

    On a cold and wet Melbourne day, his car hit an oil slick and slid totally out of control into a nasty intersection. The only car in sight was 100 yards away.

    “Luckily, I was unharmed but found myself shaken and philosophical. A few days later I sat down and wrote ‘Sliding To Your Destiny’, which is about the fragility of life and the manner in which our destinies are determined”, he recalls.

    This is not the only calamity to have inspired Sloggett. The closing track, ‘I Want To Go Home’, was written after he found himself stranded for six days in the United States following the tragedy of 9/11. Afterwards he realised he had almost booked a ticket to fly from Boston to New York on that morning but had changed it to a later date.

    Sloggett took up guitar at twelve years of age. Now releasing his debut album at forty five he feels happy to have had enough time to develop a mature musical style along with the host of experiences which provide lyrical content for his songs.

    Sloggett’s CD is now available from CD Baby.



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