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  • #21606

    Stupid me bought a used bass guitar off ebay and it just stop producing sound off my amp my electric guitar plays of my amp and now i dont know where or how to get my guitar fix i live in teh los angeles area and still looking does anyone know were in the la area i can get my bass guitar fix i was told that the jack got mess up or somthing i relly would like to buy a new jack and try to fix it my self but i know nothing about fixing guitars

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    • #57472

      LA? Huge monstrosity of a suburb. If your down in OC way the Guitar Doctor on Euclid right up from Guitar Center off the 405 can fix it, but the previous entries are the way to go if you have a few tools. The Doc can also trick it out. He is one of the best I’ve ever found at set up, intonation, electrics, action. Just make sure to bring him a brand new set of strings that you will always use, he is pricey however at 200-300 for a guitar, don’t know about a bass.

    • #57453

      Lee is pretty much totally right here. In my exp, many cheaper basses from Korea have appalling jack sockets but they tend to DURDURDUR when playing, not cut out completely. I would still replace them with a Switchcraft USA 1/4″ jack (allparts, stewmac etc), but if you have nothing coming out at all, I’ll bet that the ‘hot’ wire from the volume pot has come away from the jack and can be re-soldered by any mate of yours with a soldering iron. I’ve done it, and I’m no solder-monkey.

      Come back with more info and you’ll get follow-up.

    • #57459

      check your guitar cables, do you use the same one for all your guitars?? i dont think you will need a new 1/4″ jack socket, its unlikey to have been broken or damaged, it is more likely that the one of the wires has come off, take off the socket, you do this by loosening the nut around it, then the socket should come out, there should be 2 wires attached to the 2 terminals on the socket, if one has come off then simply solder it back on, if the problem isnt there then look at the wiring around the pickups/pickup selector/ and vol and tone pots, check that the wiring hasnt come off there, do these checks and then come back to us, and also give us some more details on the bass, manufacturer / model??
      Good luck.

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