Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar E-Ros and EKO acoustic guitars (60s/70s)

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  • #25039

    Back in 2002, this questions was asked:

    [quote]Can anyone tell me any info about e-ros guitars?[/quote]

    Teltrog wrote: [quote]”If you look inside the guitar you will should find the name Recanati which was the famous factory in Italy where Ekos were made.”[/quote]

    And just to flesh this out, FetishGuitarsDotCom site says:

    “There are surprisingly many E-Ros guitars around. They were made from 1966 to 1970 by a company of which very little is known other than it was called Fratelli Fuselli (Fuselli Brothers) and headquartered in Recanati. As far as we know F.lli Fuselli has built mostly dreadnought sized flat top acoustic guitars. All have same dimensions with little variation in the appointments. They were available with six strings under the name 606 Dakota or 606 Arizona, with twelve strings as 612 Nevada or simply 612, some were factory fitted with an electromagnetic pickup and called 606-E or 612-E. Half of them have a bolt-on neck and the other ones a set neck. Headstock is generally covered with a layer of black celluloid sporting a white E-Ros logo, though a minority have a natural mahogany headstock.

    All are strikingly similar to the very first generation of the Eko Ranger series and more exactly to its forerunners J-54 and J-56 introduced in 1965: same five-piece neck construction, same rectangular neck attachment plate and generally only 20 frets (for its post-1967 Ranger VI and XII series Eko used a 3-piece neck construction with 21 frets as well as its distinctive trapeze neck plate). From all that we cannot but conclude that the Eko company hired F.lli Fuselli as a contract manufacturer in 1965-1966 for its J-54 and J-56 series as well as for the initial runs of the Vox Country Western and Folk Twelve. For some reason F.lli Fuselli started in 1966 to sell guitars under their own E-Ros brand, a reason most probably related to the terrible fire that devastated most of the Eko factory the 11th of April 1966.

    Whether the Fuselli brothers wanted to take advantage of this sad opportunity to try their luck on the marketplace, or was it because Eko a few months later with its rebuild and enlarged facilities didn’t need anymore a partner like Fuselli, we cannot know. E-Ros guitars are reasonably common in Europe (especially in the UK) but there is no evidence they ever made it on the U.S. market. But now here’s the surprise: in the USA a number of folk guitars of obvious E-Ros origin were sold in the early 70’s with an Eko logo! I suppose that after the crisis that hit the European guitar industry as a whole in the late 60’s the Fuselli brothers stopped this operation and their luthiers joined Eko, bringing along the unsold inventory.

    There is still in Recanati a company called Manifatture Fuselli & Co. SNC, established in 1970, that produces high quality padded gigbags, cases and straps for guitars, accordions and portable keyboards. Same family, same business?”

    Cheers! MetroFox3000

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    • #76772

      I have a Vox Country Western acoustic made by EKO in the sixties, and it is a really nice instrument, great playability and mostly terrific sound. A lot of good wood went into this guitar, which is a bit crudely constructed relative to modern instruments…it is built like a truck, and at 6-1/2 pounds, may hold the world record for heaviest acoustic. I love it and would buy another if I could find one. I’d particularly like to get ahold of one of the fancier acoustics VOX had made by EKO, such as the RIO BRAVO.

      This website takes a bit of getting used to, with the profusion of commercials.


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