EHX Soul Pog

Electro-Harmonix unveils the Soul Pog, a hybrid of their two popular pedals, the Sould Food Overdrive and the Nano Pog Polyphonic Octave Generator.

EHX Soul Pog

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This dual effect pedal retains all the controls of the two conjoined pedals, and each effect can be used independently or linked together, much like their standalone versions.

Electro-Harmonix have been producing pedal combinations like this and with this new release, it seems that these combo pedals are successful. I for one don’t find the need for combining two effects into one unit, thankfully EHX added some extra features to make this combination distinct and more interesting.

The first section of the Soul Pog is taken directly from their popular overdrive pedal, the Soul Food. This OD pedal boasts of enhanced touch response and headroom, and it continues to grow in popularity. It is basically an analog pedal recreation of the overdrive section of a tube amp, mimicking its definition, saturation and clarity. The same three knobs are provided, giving you control over the volume, gain and tone. Just like the standalone pedal, these three knobs are designed to allow for a wide variety of overdrive flavors.

On the left side of the Soul Pog is the Nano Pog, taken from the compact member of EHX’s line of polyphonic sub-octave and octave up pedals. Like the original it tracks single note and polyphonic notes well, but expect some delay when the pedal processes polyphonic signals or chords. Basically, it works great for lead lines, but you’ll have to sustain chords longer for the octave effects to work properly. Like the original, it retains three knobs that let you adjust the sub-octave and octave-up signal, as well as the dry signal.

To make this combination interesting, EHX added built-in effects loop capability which lets you insert other pedals between the two, which essentially makes the Soul Pog behave like two separate pedals. There’s also a new Mode Switch in the Nano Pog section that lets you change the algorithm used for the octave up sound. First mode is optimized for fast single note tracking, while the other mode emphasizes the harmonic content of chords.

Like other Electro-Harmoix pedals, the Soul POG comes equipped with a standard EHX9.6DC 200mA power supply. Check out the official video demo:

The new EHX Soul Pog has a U.S. List Price of $381.40. For more information, you can head over to Electro-Harmonix for further details.

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