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  • #22962

    Got a question, Dont know much about Gutiars and I searching for some info,What i have is a Gibson Epiphone Guitar new in a hard case that was won at Buddy Guys Blues club in Chicago and it is signed and dated by Buddy, What i would like to know is what kind of Value this particular Guitar might have if put on the market for sale?

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    • #68193

      I would have loved to win a free axe-and yes according to the brand new Fender 2006 catalogue–He plays a strat-in fact the have two diffent colors of HIs signed editions available-wonder what the model on the EPI is–some of their higher end units are pretty fine guitars.

    • #68214

      At least an Epiphone is fairly decent for a signed guitar. Fleeb is full of authentic-signed guitars with big prices but the guitars are the cheapest of the cheap. My favourite was an SX bass signed by – Manhattan Transfer! 😆 “Rat-a-tat-a-tat” indeed.

      Buddy’s the only one left so it does have value as a signed piece but how many must he have done in the average week? An authentic signed T-shirt didn’t fetch $21, surprisingly, so I’d guess at standard going rate for an Epi.

    • #68189

      [quote=”glw”]Yes, the black strat with whit polka dots is his famous guitar. I think he also has a white one with black polka dots.[/quote]

      Nothing like a bit of variation..

    • #68234

      Basically it means, I won this guitar in a competition and want to make a quick buck selling it.

    • #68207

      I’m getting bored of these one-post “I have a guitar and what is it worth?” types. Yes, that’s correct. A thread can be posted that shuts me up from commenting 😯

    • #68194

      Yes, the black strat with whit polka dots is his famous guitar. I think he also has a white one with black polka dots.

    • #68213

      I think the guy thinks the signature is worth more than the guitar.
      Buddy is one hell of a guitar player but i dont think his signature is going to enhance a guitars value by that much.
      Especially a guitar he is not associated with, doesnt he use a Strat with white polka dots on it??

    • #68208

      Would need much more info that that!

      What model is it? Is there a serial number on it?

      How about a photo?

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