hello, i am writing to ask you if you have heard of a guitar call, the burrell? my boss brought this guitar to work today and told me that a wv.man made it and that he lived here in wv. it was a folk stile, and was curved at the neck and body, so that it was easer to play. it looked great. no stain, just a lite lacker on clear wood. if you have any info about this guitar or who made it, give me a call or email. thanks c.m.henry II—304-623-1720— [email protected]
Re: have you heard of a new guitar called,burrell?
go to http://www.burrellguitars.com/ I’m trying to decide whether I should try one or not, but there’s not really much info out there. If you’ve come across any other info, please send it to me. Thanks
hello, i am writing to ask you if you have heard of a guitar call, the burrell? my boss brought this guitar to work today and told me that a wv.man made it and that he lived here in wv. it was a folk stile, and was curved at the neck and body, so that it was easer to play. it looked great. no stain, just a lite lacker on clear wood. if you have any info about this guitar or who made it, give me a call or email. thanks c.m.henry II—304-623-1720— [email protected]
go to http://www.burrellguitars.com/ I’m trying to decide whether I should try one or not, but there’s not really much info out there. If you’ve come across any other info, please send it to me. Thanks