Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Guitar in europe

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  • #22960
    squale 2

    Je recherche un site interactif de guitare , pour jouer de la guitare, ???

    Merci ❓

    I seek an interactive site of guitar, to play of the guitar??? Thank you

    😛 😛 😛 😛 💡

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  • Author
    • #68058

      Definatly, Lost in translation.

      If the 2 Ronnies were around they could do a brilliant sketch on Google translation.

    • #68080
      squale 2

      [quote=”mrblanche”]Having taught high school French, I can honestly say that at least the translation exercises are good for an evening’s entertainment.[/quote]

      Thank, i speack english like a spanich cow, but i undestand a little.

      Look that ,


    • #68077

      Having taught high school French, I can honestly say that at least the translation exercises are good for an evening’s entertainment.

    • #68068

      Hello Squale, welcome to Guitarsite

      Let me tell everyone (English and French speaking) that Altavista’s Babel Fish is rubbish. It spouts nonsense. Just about useful for asking a Dutchman on eBay if he will post a guitar by airmail. Other than that; it’s pure Kafka.

    • #68046
      squale 2

      [quote=”lee_UK”][quote=”squale 2″][quote=”lee_UK”]Strange thing…. if you translate what he said from English to French, then from French to Italian, and Italian to Spanish and then back to French it says this:

      Good, one seriously, i dont know who i am, I put in sand, but I look like a queen, the equivilent of a drag man, i am simple.
      and like to invite you to my home for massage, it is me that have a problem, and I hope that i smell of French doo-dar.
      dont i? Thank you.

      the truth is out there … somewhere.[/quote]

      Good, thank you, for this letteraire translation of my message, I will make as loves you, I just wish to carry out a contact, I have the impression to arrive on another planet, but your humour become very sympathetic nerve, then I say to you thank you for this welcomes, special, but very sympathetic nerve, I found on altavista, a rather clean translating program, I hope to establish a durable contact with your planet, on our premises the specialities are, the wines, the girls, the foie gras, the good nouriture, and the taste for the hosiptality It is always a little difficult to establish a contact, at the beginning (I am not with my first experiment), but parès it is very constructive Thank you, and I hope that I will succeed in gaining your confidence….!!!! Squale the best of the Web mondialpour what relates to the contact with foreigner of other planets.[/quote]

      erm , yes, very well said.[/quote]

      Thank 😛

    • #68075

      [quote=”squale 2″][quote=”lee_UK”]Strange thing…. if you translate what he said from English to French, then from French to Italian, and Italian to Spanish and then back to French it says this:

      Good, one seriously, i dont know who i am, I put in sand, but I look like a queen, the equivilent of a drag man, i am simple.
      and like to invite you to my home for massage, it is me that have a problem, and I hope that i smell of French doo-dar.
      dont i? Thank you.

      the truth is out there … somewhere.[/quote]

      Good, thank you, for this letteraire translation of my message, I will make as loves you, I just wish to carry out a contact, I have the impression to arrive on another planet, but your humour become very sympathetic nerve, then I say to you thank you for this welcomes, special, but very sympathetic nerve, I found on altavista, a rather clean translating program, I hope to establish a durable contact with your planet, on our premises the specialities are, the wines, the girls, the foie gras, the good nouriture, and the taste for the hosiptality It is always a little difficult to establish a contact, at the beginning (I am not with my first experiment), but parès it is very constructive Thank you, and I hope that I will succeed in gaining your confidence….!!!! Squale the best of the Web mondialpour what relates to the contact with foreigner of other planets.[/quote]

      erm , yes, very well said.

    • #67902
      squale 2

      [quote=”squale 2″][quote=”mrblanche”]Ah, translation programs.

      “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

      Translation from English to French and back to English…

      “The wine is good, but the meat has gone bad.”

      No falser friend in the world than a translation dictionary, believe me.[/quote]

      squale say Hé hé french wine , lol[/quote]

      Ohhhhhhhhh, the friend, you have one day tried to establish the contact with foreigners, my spirit is opened and I includes/understands well what you want to say, know that you are in contact with the higher spirit, watered by the blood of Christ, the wine of France, I am in search of providence, the gonzess, and good food Mdr (death of laughing)

    • #67918
      squale 2

      [quote=”lee_UK”]Strange thing…. if you translate what he said from English to French, then from French to Italian, and Italian to Spanish and then back to French it says this:

      Good, one seriously, i dont know who i am, I put in sand, but I look like a queen, the equivilent of a drag man, i am simple.
      and like to invite you to my home for massage, it is me that have a problem, and I hope that i smell of French doo-dar.
      dont i? Thank you.

      the truth is out there … somewhere.[/quote]

      Good, thank you, for this letteraire translation of my message, I will make as loves you, I just wish to carry out a contact, I have the impression to arrive on another planet, but your humour become very sympathetic nerve, then I say to you thank you for this welcomes, special, but very sympathetic nerve, I found on altavista, a rather clean translating program, I hope to establish a durable contact with your planet, on our premises the specialities are, the wines, the girls, the foie gras, the good nouriture, and the taste for the hosiptality It is always a little difficult to establish a contact, at the beginning (I am not with my first experiment), but parès it is very constructive Thank you, and I hope that I will succeed in gaining your confidence….!!!! Squale the best of the Web mondialpour what relates to the contact with foreigner of other planets.

    • #67903
      squale 2

      [quote=”mrblanche”]Ah, translation programs.

      “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

      Translation from English to French and back to English…

      “The wine is good, but the meat has gone bad.”

      No falser friend in the world than a translation dictionary, believe me.[/quote]

      squale say Hé hé french wine , lol

    • #67943

      Ah, translation programs.

      “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

      Translation from English to French and back to English…

      “The wine is good, but the meat has gone bad.”

      No falser friend in the world than a translation dictionary, believe me.

    • #67906

      Strange thing…. if you translate what he said from English to French, then from French to Italian, and Italian to Spanish and then back to French it says this:

      Good, one seriously, i dont know who i am, I put in sand, but I look like a queen, the equivilent of a drag man, i am simple.
      and like to invite you to my home for massage, it is me that have a problem, and I hope that i smell of French doo-dar.
      dont i? Thank you.

      the truth is out there … somewhere.

    • #67914
      squale 2


      Good, one will speak seriously, I do not wish who you came on the site that I put in bond, but I cheche the equivalent on your premise, it is simple like question, here, I do not intend to invite you at home, it is me which seeks new sites, is not necessary for you enerver like that, it does not have there a problem, I hope that small French of shit does not prevent you from sleeping… I did not include/understand all the words but I know of it also S ******, p ******, etc…. but I do not want frankly of that… I hope that this time Ci me included/understood you. Thank you.

      ❓ 😈 👿 😈 😈 👿
      😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😯 😮 😀 😯 😡 👿 😈 😛 😛 😛

    • #67909

      Well said Mike, in a kind of Google translated way!! 😆

      he’s trying to get us to download his widdling so he gets his MP3 pushed up the charts, the no good dirty French B****** !
      one word, Waterloo.

      ABBA song.

    • #67922

      Vous appelez cela un criticsim. C’est une critique. Malheureusement je ne pourrais pas traduire beaucoup de lui avec succès, mais nous sommes dans ni l’un ni l’autre le R-U ou les Etats-Unis. G’day de downunder.

    • #67946

      Votre jouer est pauvre, votre intellect est très pauvre, et nous avons mis le besoin de discuter votre guitare jouant parce que c’était l’excrément.


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