At Guitar Workshop Plus we possess a strong commitment to music education. Join us this summer and treat yourself to a fun and educational music-filled week!! Guitar, Bass, Drum and Keyboard courses are offered for all levels, ages, and styles including blues, jazz, rock, acoustic, and classical. Each day consists of morning and afternoon classes that involve a hands-on approach, late afternoon clinics, ensemble performances, and evening concerts. Professional faculty and world-class guest artists teach and perform. 2004 artists include Randy Bachman (The Guess Who, BTO), Rik Emmett (Triumph), jazz giant John Abercrombie, and acoustic great Peppino D’Agostino. Resident and non-resident tuitions are available. One and two week sessions are available.
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the above contents of nothing else matter(metallica),summer of 69(bryan adams)
i’ve just joined a band, and i don’t feel i am good enoyugh for them!! HELP ME!