Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Hand Wound Pickups and Wiring

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  • #21961

    Hey Everyone.
    I recently decided to try my hand at winding my own pickups. For an easy start I decided to get the Stew Mac humbucker kit. I’ve gotten it all wound and put together but now Im a bit confused with the wiring.
    Both coils have a black “start” wire and a white “finish wire. It comes with a 4 conductor connector cable (red, white, black, green) and a vintage pushback wire. I’ve decided I want to use the 4 conductor wire (unless the other is a better choice?).
    How do I wire this thing up? And just to make things a bit more difficult im trying to wire it into the bridge position on my Ephiphone Black Beauty (3 humbucking pickups). Where and which wires go to the pots?
    Sorry if this is a little vague.

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  • Author
    • #69731

      I read recently an single coil pickup can take an average of 7-8,000 turns!! imagine losing count of that one! 5,968 5,969… doh.
      And i also read Seymour Duncan used to turn them on a turntable set at LP speed 33 1/3, 100 turns every 3 mins, 1,000 in 30mins, thats 3- 3 1/2 hrs to turn a single coil pickup!! almost as long as a Michael angelo solo…. has everybody got the URL for his website?? no??
      check out the solo when you look at his front page, truely awe inspiring,
      right hand wrist action, 80’s wig and a wardrobe of spandex, who could want more? also check out
      the video ‘speed lives’ its simply astonishing.

    • #69727

      There’s also They have a useful link on wiring dias.You only have to decide on some options. You can switch between series, parallel and single coil with that wiring. Too much choice can be a distraction, though – and put a hole in your guitar body. If you want to keep it simple, parallel wiring will be your best bet.

      Do come back if you want more ops 😀

    • #69743

      If nobody else has any suggestions then maybe worth having a look here:
      lots and lots of pickup data, im sure you already know about Seymour, i dont a lot about pickup winding so i wont offer my opinion.
      Just out of intrest, can you post us the URL of the place where you got the pickup kit from?? i’d be intrested in having a browse.
      Good luck.

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