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  • #22002
    Guitar Expert

    – Press Release

    The Zoe is a three ten combo amp with thirty-two watts of power. It is a single channel two input amplifier with top mounted controls for volume (1 & 2), bass, treble, presense, standby and power. This amplifier is not as large as a Betsy Tonebuster, but is still an amplifier of substance. Larger than an Emily, and almost 3 times the power, it is a lot of tone in a medium sized package. As with all of TheAirtightGarage amplifiers, the cabinet is solid hardwood. (normally spanish cedar, but different tone woods can be chosen at build times to suit your needs)

    The Zoe was primarily designed to be a jazz/fusion style amplifier in that it does not have the huge power of a Tonebuster, but at the same time it has enough to cut past any drummer. The noise floor is extremely low with lots of headroom and breakup occours much later on the volume control.

    Tube complement is one 12AY7, one 5751, one 12AT7, two 6L6WGB’s and one 5U4GB. The output section can be switched to triode mode for a large reduction in power and a change in tone for practice or studio work.

    Standard the Zoe comes with three Alnico tens, all NOS tubes, all hand made cabinet, point to point circuitry on turett boards, one eighteen foot GeorgeLs cable, manual and a lifetime warranty.


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