Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Help! Suggestions for an effects pedal for acstic/elctrc

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  • #21523

    I have got an Ashton Duellar (Aust guitar) and play at friend’s places now and then. I want a pedal to ‘grunge up’ from time to time through a tune and picked up a daneletro ‘Fab Tone’. I’m still recovering from the shattered ear drums and blood in my urine from it!

    Can anyone suggest a pedal that can make the acoustic/electric sound grungy without sounding like I’m trying to be in a death metal band?


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  • Author
    • #57275
      Terry Allan Hall

      I prefer the Boss HM-2….they don’t currently make these anymore, but they’re easy to find used, and are (IMHO) the most musical overdrives available. 🙂 .

    • #57247

      Sounds a bit obvoius but have you tried the Dod FX69? its called a Grunge pedal, i think they were bought out by Digitech a few years back but still produce the FX69 pedal have a look here:
      but if you want one from ebay make sure you look for DOD fx69 as well, it is the same pedal but without the ‘mixer out’ output, even looks the same, ive just sold one on ebay for £23.50 have a look:

      its a great pedal and i think it might have the sound you are looking for but the semi accoustic isnt the best guitar to use for these kind of effects, they tend to give feedback on the high gain pedals.
      Good luck.

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