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  • #35605

    Here’s a Giannini model offered by my grandmother in 1973 and restringed with the new D’ADDARIO end balls classical strings.


    I was 11 years old and the neck was too large for me but that was really not the most important .
    I wanted to be able to play guitar!
    My grandmother passed away 9 years ago and , as you can imagine, I could not estimate the value of that guitar.I’ll keep it for the rest of my life.

    I went back last week to the shop we bought it.Nothing has changed inside except the number of guitars available : maybe two hundred instead of..eight or ten in 73.

    34 years later…
    The piece is still in my head, I am talking about the first one I learned playing.
    On the original , the second track I added was played with a flut.

    I spent hours and hours before playing it correctly but I was so proud…
    I’ll never know who wrote that piece I had listened to the radio, but it’s a part of my life!

    Always a lovely sound!

    What about you?
    Did you keep your first guitar and do you remember the first song or piece you played with it?

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  • Author
    • #79335

      Thanks a lot!!

    • #79339

      [quote=”1bassleft”]Make sure no-one sings “when the leaves do fall/ I tend to lose my foot-ball” over it and claim it as their own[/quote]

      😆 😆 😆

      Autumn colours is a lovely piece Acoustica. Wish I had the patience to get that good!

    • #71873

      It’s not a Lakewood, but you make anything sound good, Guy. The piece seems to be in the style of John Williams and Julian Bream. Any chance it was they that you heard all those years ago?

      I haven’t kept my first guitar (a Satellite vague Stratish) nor even my first bass (a Kay, diabolical 4001 copy) but I still have my first lefty bass (a Hondo) that fetches £80 on Fleeb these days. Would I hand it over for that sum? You bet I (ply)would 🙂

      EDIT: I just clicked on “Autumn Colors”. Twice. Think I’ll click on it again. Lovely composition. Make sure no-one sings “when the leaves do fall/ I tend to lose my foot-ball” over it and claim it as their own

    • #71878

      Hey Lee…..I missed your reply….sorry about that!!!!
      About the banjo…if I was a “killer” you would probably change your mind. 😀

      Yes, 2 tracks.
      Did you keep your first guitar too?

      Well, I am so happy to play it …I am inspired!! 😀

      This is an original “duo” (steel/nylon) recorded yesterday:

    • #71881

      Lovely tone and very nicely played, how many guitar tracks are on it? i can hear 2, am i right?
      Must admit im not a fan of your Banjo, so it’s nice to see you back on home territory again.

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