Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics Installing 57 classic humbuckers into a Epi/Gib DOT

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  • #19905

    I have a Gibson/Epiphone Dot and bought a Gibson 57
    classic and 57 Classis plus humbucker pickups. The
    pickups only have one connection which the instructions
    say to attach to volume pot or pickup switch. Will this
    make the pickups nonfunctional with the tone control on
    my DOT or is it wired for it already? I’d appreciate any
    Thanks ahead of time.
    Bob in Dertoit

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    • #93547

      If you strip the wire back, the core gets attached in one place, and the metal shielding on the outside gets soldered to another. I don’t have my guitar in front of me to tell you exact locations, but this is how it is wired. To clarify, just strip enough of the shielding to connect the core to the right place. For the shielding connection, push the whole wire against the pot, and solder it. Sounds strange, but that it. If you email me, I can give you more explicit instructions. I just installed one of these about a month ago.

      • #108324

        was up man. hey i just installed 57 classic humbuckers into my gibson les paul special and one pickup works. when you flip the switch to rhythm and the one in the middle it works fine . but when you put it of treble you cant hear shit. i soldered everything correctly i grounded the wire to each pot and connected the core to one place. help man please send me some good intructions on how to do this. please

        • #113160

          is there a way i can see by picture or anything on how to do the insatlling

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