Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Accident & Emergency Keef Richards being given a guitar lesson from Chuck Berry

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  • #24652

    Keith Richards being put in his place by Chuck Berry, for those who don’t know, The Rolling Stones made their stash of cash from ’emulating’ Chuck Berry guitar licks.

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    • #128684


    • #128683

      😆 , I think I mentioned it before, but it reminds of the reverse happening to me. A regular 12-bar band following ours on stage but sans their bass player so I was their reluctant dep (not my favourite stuff to play). I might be the dep, but the singer shouting in my ear “A…D…A…D…E” got a bit much.

      “I know what 12-bar is, now **** off” I shouted back.

    • #128681

      Chuck does have a bad rep, i was on a trip to see my Mum and Dad in Tennerife, they had been out there for a few years and found a great live music bar up the mountain in a small town.
      They took me there and we watched a great music set from an excellent blues band, i got talking to the bass player afterwards, he was American and he said he had played with Chuck once, he hadn’t seen Chuck til it was showtime, no rehearsal, no sound check, no tuning of the guitar, no set list, he comes on stage and our bass player ambles over to him and he says, ‘Chuck, what songs are we playing and what key?’ Chuck says ‘Listen to me boy, i tap my foot one time and you come in, i tap my foot 2 times and you stop’ what a pro.
      When the Stones did US tours there were stories of Chuck (Warm up act) refusing to go on til he was paid in cash.

    • #128680

      I stayed off this thread until I got back to my PC and speakers. I needn’t have bothered about audio. Apart from Chuck’s “say what?” in the first 15secs, it’s all in the eyes. Look at the eyes to see the animosity/discomfort. The drummer finds it all amusing but the piano player knows that something BAD could happen any minute.

      Ironically, although Keef hadn’t got it quite right, the Stones were very generous in lifting old blues players (but not Chuck) back into American mainstream conciousness. Chuck is a downright git to work with. It reminded me of some of my toe-to-toe guitarist engagements although, I have to admit, none with anything like his reputation.

    • #128677

      Great clip and I love that you of all people posted it, as you know I’m big on my old bluesmen…this is like the transition to rock, in real time, excellent.

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