Guitarsite Forums Discussion Accident & Emergency Lack of Fanta in England

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  • #24551

    My sister is currently work and travelling in ye old england and she told me to send her Fanta as you gits dont have it over there, whats the dealeo ? Do you not like orange beverages ?

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    • #128596

      Plenty of pubs I know that are “meat markets”. Still, I’d be a little concerned about a genyooine meat market so close to the hospital. Any connection that prompts the threatened closures? Tatoos on the leg shanks?

    • #128594

      [quote=”Stacey”]Bahahahahahaha .. I’ll have to talk to her about her vision difficulties tonight !!

      She’s working at a little pub called “The Rising Sun” in Smithfield, anyone heard of it or been there ?[/quote]

      Smithfield is the ‘Meat Market’ part of central London, they have had a meat market (of the butchers kind) there since the 16th century, it is currently under threat from property developers, but dont worry because Prince Charles is backing the stall holders, so they should be OK.
      I do know the pub, if it’s the one im thinking of it sits on a corner overlooking St Barts hospital (also under threat). My wife used to work near there in temporary offices after her offices were blown up by the IRA in 1992, they blew up the Baltic exchange thinking it was the Stock exchange which was 200 yards away, thankfully she wasn’t in the building when it blew up, they have since built the ‘Gherkin’ on the spot where her building was.

      As for Fanta, it is available all over the UK, like bass says it even made it up north.
      Fanta is by far the fizzy orange of choice in our household, much better than that Tango muck.

    • #128593

      2) The excellent combo of stimulant and depressant has you simultaneously eating your kebab, vomiting it into a bush and crying about the boyfriend you met half an hour ago.[/quote]

      So True !!

    • #128591

      Yeah, we had wings ads for women utensils as well. Back early 90s. I always think of them when I hear the Red Bull ads. Offputting to say the least.

    • #128592

      “Red Bull gives you wings”, as the UK advert goes. This always reminds me of the ’80s ad for a brand of sanitary towels with “clever wings” as voice-overed by well-known “agony aunt” Clare Raynor. Puts me off the drink for some reason.

      I think “V” is around, but can be confused with “vodka and red bull”. Ordering this combo in a bar does two things:

      1) Gives you away as an under-18 as surely as asking for “a glass of beer please, mister”
      2) The excellent combo of stimulant and depressant has you simultaneously eating your kebab, vomiting it into a bush and crying about the boyfriend you met half an hour ago.

    • #128590

      Are all those energy drinks like V and Red Bull big in Brit?

    • #128589

      There are a lot of ‘Smithfields’ in the UK but the biggy seems to be in London, we definitely have Fanta oop North where we love a bit of beta-carotene (which doesn’t seem to be in the Aus version by the way, so she may be allergic to it anyway!)

    • #128588

      Bahahahahahaha .. I’ll have to talk to her about her vision difficulties tonight !!

      She’s working at a little pub called “The Rising Sun” in Smithfield, anyone heard of it or been there ?

    • #128587

      Stacey, send your sister her usual brand of contact lens solutions as they are easier to pressurize in aeroplane holds. Failing that, a cute labrador trained to find the refrigerated cabinets of any UK supermarket, petrol station, Subway (TM) etc. Fanta orange is all over this place; the muck.

      HST, if your sister really is ultra-myopic, PM me and I shall endeavour to introduce myself to her. I usually do quite well until they feel my face.

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