Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Learn GUITAR in internet

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  • #24636
    Participant is a website that I recently created for the sole purpose of teaching the first steps with a guitar. It is a web altruistic, without a single link advertising and has no commercial gain, so I hope the administrators not to be taken for spam.
    What I echo has been compiling a series of videos laptop (others are building their own) and articulate them in an introductory course on guitar.
    I would appreciate it if you leave it and leave their opinions here.
    I honestly do not think that has something better around the internet for a first approach. Greetings and thanks.

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  • Author
    • #76193

      Things happened quickly enough for me on a fairly old laptop and 2Mb broadband. I liked the site; nice to see a Spanish language guitar site and there was a good selection of YouTube embeds to look at (I tried “Guitarra Leccion Una” and the “Cuatro manos” videos) and there are links to well-known artistes fansites. Plenty to do; nice work 2pos 🙂

    • #76238

      I can’t understand it because I only speak English and a little Irish, but it’s loading pretty slow for me. Sometimes it times out.

      [I just waited 2 mins but no response from site]

      Yeah, still too slow for me, I can’t get a lot of pages to load.

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