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  • #22145
    Guitar Expert

    by Will Landrum

    I’ve talked to a lot of people who’s main complaint is
    “I can’t get out of playing the same scale pattern.” After a
    little more probing, I discover that they are totally
    familiar with the root pentatonic minor pattern, (like A
    pentatonic minor at the 5th fret) but don’t know what else
    to do with it.

    Here’s a lesson that you will want to make sure that you
    don’t lose! Print it out and stick it in your guitar case.

    I have always been an advocate of knowing what to play,
    anywhere on the neck.

    For those of you who are sick and tired of playing A
    pentatonic minor at the 5th fret or E pentatonic minor at
    the 12th fret, here is the tab for these scales covering the
    entire fretboard.

    Learn them, live them, breath them, eat them, sleep them.

    Knowing all of these patterns will greatly enhance your
    playing and open up new tonal possibilities that you may
    have never heard before.

    Does Carlos Santana know these patterns? I’ll let YOU
    answer that one.

    Here they are.

    Tablature Legend

    A C D etc. are the notes.
    1 4 1 etc. suggested fingering

    A Pentatonic minor Pattern 1 (A C D E G)

    A C D E G A C D E G A C
    1 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4
    (also starts at 17th fret)

    A Pentatonic minor Pattern 2 (C D E G A)

    C D E G A C D E G A C D
    2 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 2 4 2 4
    (also starts at 20th fret)

    A Pentatonic minor Pattern 3 (D E G A C)

    D E G A C D E G A C D E
    1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 3

    A Pentatonic minor Pattern 4 (E G A C D)

    E G A C D E G A C D E G
    1 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 2 4 1 4

    A Pentatonic minor Pattern 5 (G A C D E)

    G A C D E G A C D E G A
    2 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 4
    (also starts at 3rd fret)

    Now, as you get familiar with these patterns and begin
    creating your own licks, you’ll need to change your fingering
    in some spots. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

    For example, If you can’t bend the 1st string with your
    pinky, change your fingering and do the bend with your 3rd
    finger. Play the way YOU feel is the most comfortable.

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