Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Malden Guitars

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  • #21901

    Does anybody know anything about Malden Guitars. I went to a shop and they had a couple there. I tried a semi-hollow body and it had a nice tone and feel. Also it was very reasonably priced. The guy at the shop told me that they are made in the same factory as Schecter. I am just looking right now but any help would be great.

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  • Author
    • #75874
      thats a new one on ebay, they certainly sound like a good spec, and to be honest $300 isnt a lot for a new guitar, and if they have good reviews? i would say try harmony but nobody on there ever admits to buying an old duffer, might be worth a look though.
      Good luck.

    • #67493

      Adirondack Guitar is actually the shop that I went to. I know that a name on a headstock shouldn’t mean anything but unfortunately for things like resale value it may. I’ve never heard of Malden either – but it may be a name that we start to see more of. On the Malden site they had some pretty good reviews from some reputable mags – but then again it is their site – they wouldn’t put anything bad on it. I’m not sure what to think.

    • #75801

      Ive never played one, and to be honest ive never even heard of them, had a quick look on google and came up with
      the spec looks pretty good for the price.

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