Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics mandola chords, books

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  • #19511

    Forgive me if this is not the place for this, but I’m having trouble finding anyone in the know (and answers sometimes come from the strangest places). I have just bought a mandola, but I’m having trouble finding any books, chord charts, tab music, discussion groups and basic information on this instrument. Plenty for the mandolin, but none on the mandola.
    Does anyone have any ideas where to look? Any good websites, book titles etc?
    Thanks for the help.

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    • #32321

      A Mandola is tuned just like a Viola, which is high to low – A, D, G, C. This is precisely one string lower than a Mandolin/Violin which is E, A, D, G. This means that you can play the chords the same way on a mandola as on a mandolin, it will just sound a 5th lower on the mandola, to wit: what is a G chord on Mandolin is a C chord on Mandola. The same applies to tablature.

      You might try for some help.

      : Forgive me if this is not the place for this, but I’m having trouble finding anyone in the know (and answers sometimes come from the strangest places). I have just bought a mandola, but I’m having trouble finding any books, chord charts, tab music, discussion groups and basic information on this instrument. Plenty for the mandolin, but none on the mandola.
      : Does anyone have any ideas where to look? Any good websites, book titles etc?
      : Thanks for the help.

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