Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar New Website for Handcrafted Guitar Furniture (BBR Woodworks)

  • Creator
  • #21870
    BBR Woodworks

    Hey Everybody!
    Please visit my new website and check out our guitar benches, stands and footstools. Each one is handbuilt and can be made out of nearly any hardwood you choose to match your guitar or furniture! We use nothing but the “real” solid hardwoods (no laminates or veneers) and guarantee that the wood you order is the wood you will receive. Since each one is taylored to fit your guitar and built one at a time, you can rest easy knowing that you will receive a quality product that has been built with care. ~Proudly Handcrafted in Northern Idaho~

    BBR Woodworks guitar website is:

    Feel free to contact me any time by email at:
    [email protected]

    Thank you for your time.
    -Ron Kieper @ BBR Woodworks

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