Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Noob stopping by to say hello.

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    Hi all. I’m new to this site. Just picked my guitar back up after it sat in the corner for 20 years.

    My one daughter (8 years old) asked about learning to play. . .we signed up for lessons with a local guy. . .Berkley grad from back in the 70’s, very cool guy. . .we’ve been playing for a couple of months now and we’re having a blast. . .can’t remember why I put the darn thing down in the first place. . .better late than never I guess.

    My guitar (that I bought probably 30 years ago) is an Epiphone FT-140. I’m not interested in selling it or anything but, does anybody have any idea how much it’s worth?

    I’ll be hanging around from time-to-time.

    Looking forward to discussing/learning/etc.

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