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  • #21729
    Guitar Expert

    by Pat Savage

    Hello fellow guitarists and readers of Guitar News Weekly. I am a guitarist who is constantly on tour especially around Europe and the UK these last couple years. With all of the European and American bands we have open our shows up for us, only a small few have really stood out and blown me away as exceptional and with world wide potential.

    I’ve found a guitar driven outfit in Stavanger Norway, and they are called Epilogue.

    Founded by guitarist Morten Hvidsten, and drummer Kai Gabrielsen about one and a half years ago, they have been taking Norway, and soon the rest of the world by storm.

    Mortens flawless guitaring somewhere between Randy Rhodes, Rik Emmet Joe Perry and Angus Young, drives the hard rock original music to great altitudes. My favorite song “Highway Rider” is so hot I am recording the song for my next CD with them as my band! I cant improove on something already perfect!

    Kent Sjøberg, the rythm guitarist and background vocalist, a Harley rider like myself sets down chunky solid rythms to support Mortens adventerous flights on his axe.

    Roger Jajashinga an Indoniesian bassman is chunky and self assured on his bass reminding me of Rob Trujillo of Ozzy and Metallica fame with his bass swingin way low on his body.

    Ole Aurdal, lead singer, joined Epilogue in Oct 2004. He has been doing some singing and guitar playing along with another guitar player a couple of years ago all over Norway in what they call a “Trubadur duo” in Norway. Excellant voice and burgeoning frontman.

    Kai Gabrielsen the drummer is one of the most solid players I have ever heard and I have worked with the absolute best. Very straight forward he is also a classical guitarist and it shows up in his great form on drums.

    The most relevant thing to all you guitarists is they are a guitar players band with the powerful arrangements and solo work of Morten. We sat down with some beers last week and while the snow was flying outside in Norwegian saturday night we listened and watched several CDs and live footage which blew me away and inspired me to this task of introducing you all to Epilogue. They will be on my label and distributed worldwide on SONY Europe and Universal USA if I have anything to do with it!

    Visit their website and see and hear what I am talking about. A guitar army sound and down to earth dude from the land of the ice and snow where the midnite sun and the hot springs flow! Keep on pickin and grinnin!

    Pat Savage – SONY/Universal Recording Artist and award winning Canadian guitarist is currently working his all girl band all over the worlds largest motorcycle events and works with many bands world wide. As well he teaches guitar and does lectures on technique, music biz and has written several articles for GNW. His music, videos and more are available at:

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