Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Silvertone / Harmony f-hole guitar

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    • #65100

      sorry, drinking to much… sears used to sell silvertone electrics, back in the day. Anyone use a Peal acoustic?

    • #65102

      I know Sears used to silvertones

    • #65061

      Hey glw,

      If you are truly curious, I suggest you dig through the catalog section of my website. I think $5 is a small price to pay for peace of mind. Good luck with your info search. SB

    • #65101

      Oh, and here’s my other f-hole arch-top guitar:


      I have no idea what the make or model is. I bought it as a project (i.e. someone had started sanding it down and botched it). The neck was loose, the back was coming off… it was in a bit of a state. Luckiliy for me, a couple of friends involved in furniture renovation fixed it up for me.

      It’s a really nice guitar to play and has a sweet sound (much nicer than the above Silvertone).

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