Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar Snoozer Quinn

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  • #24559
    Scott Black

    Greetings All,

    I noticed on your list that there were quite a few people interested in Snoozer Quinn. And rightly so, Snoozer was one of the greatest player of all time! The reason for this post is that I started a small CD label about a year ago, just for collectors of the really rare stuff. I have about 70,000 old records going back to the 1890’s. But I’ve always looked for acetates and home recordings of any type, and I’ve been doing this for close to 40 years now. I’ve spent the past quarter century touring and playing the cornet with Leon Redbone, and I just quit last month. And I spent a good deal of time on the road scrounging around flea markets and antique shops digging up more goodies. I spent 10 years living in New Orleans and around 1990 I rescued a huge box of old home recordings recorded between 1942 to 1952. They were falling apart and just horrible shape. But I’ve managed to piece quite a few back together. And I was able to salvage pieces of a couple of song that has Snoozer soloing!
    And it’s just amazing! The sound quality is so-so, but given the condition of the recording it’s as good as it can get without compromising the sound. I put up Snoozer’s chorus on “After You’ve Gone” as a sample for those would like to give it a listen. I may have others with him on them, but this is what I have so far. The other New Orleans sides on these CD’s are great as well. I don’t do any re-issues at all. I just want to put out sides that have never been heard before. And I have a ton of them! So, if you’d like to check them out just go to and click on the label that says NEW ORLEANS JAZZ ACETATES – VOLUME 2, and this will take you to the page with a “new” solo from Snoozer Quinn. He was everything they said he was and more!

    Scott Black

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