Guitarsite Forums Guitar Discussion Acoustic Guitar Strumming for you

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  • #24663

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering how you guys strum your guitars. I’ve seen people strumming guitars differently. And I’m just curious how you guys strum your guitars generally.

    Use picks most of time?
    or just use thumb and index finger?
    or use all of your fingers to strum?

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    • #76745

      [quote=”Chaim”]Brass sounds interesting, I haven’t seen brass picks. Is there an internet source for them if I can’t find them locally? Is there a particular brand I should be looking for?[/quote]

      The short answer is yes…

      My fiancee got a pack off ebay containing 4 brass, 4 stainless and 4 alu…I’ll get the details if I can, I think they’re aimed at bass players but I find the brass sounds good on my bass and guitar. IMO the steel and alu are a bit harsh for either but I do tend to like nice fat tones.

      EDIT: This is the set I got but don’t know if it’s the same seller. Also, the ones I like are bronze not brass, sorry (it was a guess 😳 )

      EDIT2 (cos I didn’t include the link…):

    • #76769

      [quote=”Tim”]I’m sure there used to be some guitarists on this forum?

      Maybe it’s just that us bass players are used to being on time, they’re all probably practicing typing at 60 words a second while we’re here answering queries :roll:[/quote]

      You 2 bass players always do such a great job, theres nothing left to say, except.. i always use a single pick when on an electric, a Fender medium, i use both a pick and fingers when on steel string acoustic, and just fingers when on a nylon string, when i play bass i use thumb, index and middle finger.

    • #76726

      Thanks for the welcome. As of now, I’ve been using the Dunlop nylons. I like the feel, but it is too early to get attached to one type of pick, I’d like to try some others. Brass sounds interesting, I haven’t seen brass picks. Is there an internet source for them if I can’t find them locally? Is there a particular brand I should be looking for?

    • #76766

      I’m sure there used to be some guitarists on this forum?

      Maybe it’s just that us bass players are used to being on time, they’re all probably practicing typing at 60 words a second while we’re here answering queries 🙄

    • #76710

      Welcome to the forum, Chaim, and no-one here minds a dead thread being resucitated 🙂 . All techniques are well worth learning and I’ve been working on my fingerstyle for bass (there’s always a stigma to bassing with a plec) but, as Tim says, they make different sounds. I still like the attack from a bit of plastic for the right songs. As I may have said in the other thread, Jim Dunlop nylons work for me because I get a sweaty grip under the lights and drop smoothies like confetti.

      I don’t vary much from .73, though. .66 is tooo wibbly and .88 or above doesn’t seem to allow alternate picking with my (lousy) technique. If I really want to dig in, I just position my thumb to stiffen it up or use my actual nails; but that gives the “manicure by Sweeney Todd” look after a few songs on roundwounds 🙂

    • #76722

      …make sure you experiment is my only advice! Both myself and, if I’m not mistaken, 1BL use .75 (or the equivelent- .73 or whatever) nylons on bass which seems very soft, however I also use a 3mm rubber pick and, recently, a .5mm Brass pick…all work kick-ass for different things…

    • #76712

      I’m new to the site, and this is a fairly old thread, I hope no one minds that I revive it (I’m not sure the etiquette on this site yet).

      When I first learned guitar I learned classical guitar. Everything is done with the fingernails. When my guitar teacher finally let me start to use chords and strumming he had me use all my fingers for the down strum (best I can describe it is a flick of the wrist and fingers similar to flicking a crumb off your shirt or shooing a bug away) and using the thumb on the up strum. I dropped guitar for 20some years and have recently decided to start back up. Even though I picked up a steel string 6 string and an Epi Les Paul electric, I find that strumming with my fingers (and nails) the most comfortable since it is what I’m used to. I’m trying to get used to a pick though (.88mm for acoustic, .75 for electric).

    • #126920

      Hi Newg,

      The subject came up a little bit earlier in this category:

      try what you find best for you 🙂

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