The Bass Player Garage

The one stop for bass player resouces. Online instruction, websites, books, software, videos, webrings, polls & more!

68 thoughts on “The Bass Player Garage”

  1. one of a kind acoustic-electric tobias bass...value?

    i have a BEAUTIFUL tobias acoustic electric bass guitar, obviously worth alot of money. but im not sure how much its really worth. ive never seen a tobias go for less than 1500, and this is an excellent sounding and looking botique guitar in perfect shape.
    any ideas? please email me [email protected]

  2. Re-issue Mosrite Bass
    Mike Finnigan

    I have one of the reissue twin pickup Mosrite basses. Venture type. Does anybody know what this bass was originally called? A MarkII- a Lincoln Navigator? Thanks to all

  3. Wanted :Ibanez Bass Guitar! good price!! 5 string!

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    hey if anyone has an Ibanez Bass Guitar at a good price (under $300) hit me back!

  4. need to learn bass

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    I would like to learn to play bass i know a few song but can only play by what i hear on the radio i really want to learn to play good and start a band if you have any ideas to help e-mail me thanxs

  5. i need history on the bass guitar 4 a project @ college

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    can any one help me find any history on the bass guitsr.

    1. Re: i need history on the bass guitar 4 a project @ college
      Andrew L Lindley

      : can any one help me find any history on the bass guitsr.
      the first bass of any type as far back as possible if any one can tanks

    2. Re: i need history on the bass guitar 4 a project @ college

      : can any one help me find any history on the bass guitsr

      lol u all suck asss im the best bass player ever

  6. I want to play the bass guitar-Need help choosing...

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    I listen to (nu-metal) and all kinds of metal. My favorite bands are Slipknot,lamb of god, and KoRn. I play the acoustic guitar but I want to play the bass.What should I do .Play acoustic guitar for another year or so then play bass,or should I quit acoustic guitar and just go to bass?

    bad cat


    bad cat


  9. Just coverted my 5 string to a high five. I want to know what i can do with it.

    I never used the B string but i hate 4 strings so i changed to a high 5 and love it but i wanted to get some ideas like scales or bass lines just to get me started.


  10. need instruments---alot and cheap--
    Jason Prudhom

    We and my friends are starting a band, we need all new equipment, but it does not need to be new. We need a drum set, a 7-string guitar, a 5-string bass, and a turntable kit. If you can help me out, I would appreciate it.
    Jason Prudhom

    1. Re: need instruments---alot and cheap--
      Tony Spence

      i blew out my bass so i need a new one and i dont have mush money plz help me get a new one cheep.

  11. I need to know how to tune a bass guitar....
    Cal Schneider

    I play the guitar and my brother just got a bass for his birthday but i really dont know what notes to tune it to. As of now its tuned to my guitar but i dont think thats right. So if anyone could help my out i would appreciate it. Thanx. Cal

    1. Re: I need to know how to tune a bass guitar....
      Emery Benoit

      : : i just got a 4 string bass and i need to know how to tune the thing. get back to me with instrucions to do so. thanks

      1. Re: I need to know how to tune a bass guitar....

        Turn the tuning pegs on the end of the neck to tighten or loosen the string (tighten for a higher sound loosen for a lower sound). Your strings from low to high should be tuned: E-A-D-G. Once you’ve tuned your lowest string (use a tuner, a piano or another instrument as reference) tune the next string ’till it sounds like the note on the fifth fret of your lowest string, next you tune your D-string ’till it sounds the same as the note on the 5th fret of your A-string and finally tune your G-string ’till it sounds like the note on the 5th fret of your D-string and voila. . . We have a tuned bass.

  12. I'm looking for a 5-string bass guitar(price range $100-$200)

    Hey, My friends n i are startin a band and i need the guitar. please e-mail me if you have a 5-string bass guitar. My price range is from 100 dollars to 200 dollars. I dont care if it is used but it needs to be in good condition. THANK YOU!!!

    1. Re: I'm looking for a 5-string bass guitar(price range $100-$200)
      Jason Prudhom

      go to and get a new Rogue 5 string bass for about $130.00. They are a great company, and will have anything you need for your band.
      Jason Prudhom

      : Hey, My friends n i are startin a band and i need the guitar. please e-mail me if you have a 5-string bass guitar. My price range is from 100 dollars to 200 dollars. I dont care if it is used but it needs to be in good condition. THANK YOU!!!

  13. i need a bass for CHEAP
    tyler hinkleman

    Me and some friends are starten a band and we dont have shit for equipment. you need to hook us up. im sure u here this all the time but hell, me and my dudes are sruiosly comited to thisand so that would be cool as a bitch to hook us up with some good shit
    thanks for even readin this, we are gonna need some help. later

    1. Re: i need a bass for CHEAP

      : well i play in a church band and i need a bass for a cheap ….a Bass with 3 pick ups does ‘nt matter
      the brand

      Thanks You Gary Baldwin


    Hey Everyone!

    I’m starting a band and we need a cheap bass..don’t care if it’s used, don’t care if it looks like it’s been a moshpit..ans long as it plays just as good..COOL BY ME! HELP ME OUT PEOPLE!

    – Cassandra
    [email protected]

  15. new bassist

    I’m really interested in buying a bass guitar and learning how to play it. Can anybody suggest where I should start? What bass I should buy, etc.

    1. Re: new bassist

      : I’m really interested in buying a bass guitar and learning how to play it. Can anybody suggest where I should start? What bass I should buy, etc.

      Hi Maurice, I started with a Fender Squire Jazz Bass and a small practice amp 10 years ago, Just try a bass you can afford and if it feels right it will be fine for starters. Try and get some live practice with a keybord player or another musician its the best way to learn. I would recomend learning scales I didnt at first I thought it would be really boring however, it really improves your playing and is much easier than I first thought. There are loads of sites on the internet that give free lessons. All the best and persevere, it is a great instrument and very rewarding when you are playing in a band. John

  16. I really, really, really need a 4 string bass guitar
    Matt H.

    If you have a bass guitar that you would sell for less then $100 email me. I really need a bass for my band. We preform on March 17, 2001. If you would be willing to part with it, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

  17. need a bass becaues i got a band

    i really need a bass becaues me and my friends are haveing a band and the only thing we need is a bass guitar so if u can get us 1 for the highest amount 75-80$please thanx!

  18. bass guitar needed

    i am trying to get a bass guitar, very cheap. am only 13 and cannot buy one over $99 dollars because my parents are too cheap to get one more expensive. good or not, as long as it isn’t completely messed up. that is my real e-mail address.

    1. Re: bass guitar needed
      Jason Prudhom

      get a new rogue bass, 4 stings, 99.00 very cool.
      Jason Prudhom

      : i am trying to get a bass guitar, very cheap. am only 13 and cannot buy one over $99 dollars because my parents are too cheap to get one more expensive. good or not, as long as it isn’t completely messed up. that is my real e-mail address.

    2. Re: bass guitar needed i can help
      flea -micheal Balzary

      o-kay first answer these questions:
      Are you able to play bass?
      What key is the first string on a four string bass?
      What is your current g.p.a. in school?
      What state do you live in?
      Is your mom hot?
      Do you like the red hot chili peppers
      Would you take care of the bass?
      Would you persue a music career?
      And how about 150?
      its a black fender p-bass about 11 years old and it still work because i have taken real good care of it. also the white pick guard is designed in a blue green splash paint design. so if your parents can spot you about 32$ the bass just-may-be your

      keep rokin’

      1. Re: bass guitar needed i can help
        kick ace guitar player

        : o-kay first answer these questions:
        : Are you able to play bass?no i play electric
        : What key is the first string on a four string bass?eadg
        : What is your current g.p.a. in school?i dunno
        : What state do you live in?one of them
        : Is your mom hot?depends what you think
        : Do you like the red hot chili peppers? yes
        : Would you take care of the bass? yes
        : Would you persue a music career? i can’t cause of my religon
        : And how about 150? maybe
        : its a black fender p-bass about 11 years old and it still work because i have taken real good care of it. also the white pick guard is designed in a blue green splash paint design. so if your parents can spot you about 32$ the bass just-may-be your

  19. papa roach or limp bizkit song chords

    i need bass guitar notes for papa roach infest and broken homelimp bizkit`s keep on rollin

  20. need bass
    Kyle selinsky

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    need cheep 4or5 string bass guitar

  21. cheap fender bass
    Inane Shane

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    Im lookin for a cheap fender precision pro bass (left-handed), i know this is hard to find. my price range is about $250-$400

    1. Re: cheap fender bass
      jason prudhom

      : Im lookin for a cheap fender precision pro bass (left-handed), i know this is hard to find. my price range is about $250-$400

      go to they have great prices, and will probably have just what you need
      Jason Prudhom

  22. 4 string or 5??
    Erica Mackensen

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    alright. i’m a beginner i know i know, but what the hell are the differences between a 5 string bass guitar and a 4 string bass guitar…and which is better for playing punk rock music? thank you thank you
    ~edica jane

  23. need to buy a bass

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    need a cheap epiphone S.G. 4 string bass

  24. Questtions on PICK UPS.............
    Dennis Miller

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    Im about to buy a squier affinity p-bass with split pickups thers another simalar bass but it has split-coil pickups and a j-bass pickup on the bridge. Which pickup is better?

    1. Re: Questtions on PICK UPS.............
      Bass Guy

      : Im about to buy a squier affinity p-bass with split pickups thers another simalar bass but it has split-coil pickups and a j-bass pickup on the bridge. Which pickup is better?

      Squires are completely Gay to begin with, but definately go with the humbucker and single coil pickups, you get more of a nice growly tone with more high end from the sinlge coil, and more full, deep low end with the humbucker. You can mix and match till it doesnt suck….

  25. extreme beginer
    Reggie Singletary

    [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    Hey I just bought a squire bass due to the fact that i love bass guitars…I, however know absolutly nothing about music..let alone the bass guitar…I have been searching the internet for online instruction, which isnt hard to find until you narrow the search down to a extreme beginer level. so if you know any good sites for my predicament or perhaps a cd rom or video that is a good suggestion, I am open to them all

      1. Re: extreme beginer
        Big Bassy Monkey

        : Haha! that peters a KNOB!
        : I got a Vintage V900! and it kicks ass! not bad for a cheepy! Im also a begginer! try! is the way to go. Squire does suck, but that guy sucked even more. *shakes head* what a moron. Maybe he should pay for your lessons. Anyway, check out that site, its helped me out quite a bit

  26. [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

    I need bass pics (washburn status series 1000)i have the pics now

  27. bass guitars
    Craig Cross

    hello I was wondering where I could get instructions on how to build an electric bass guitarso please either send me instructions on how to build one or where I could get them

  28. cheap bass guitar

    im lookin for a bass guitar between 25.00-60.00 if any body wants to sell me one or knows bout a website e-mail please!

  29. learning bass guitar

    Could you please send me some information about prices and different brands of bass guitars.

  30. hey, could you please send me some info about bass guitars, it is so hard to find any info on them

  31. baritone guitar or 6 string bass

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    i’m looking for a teisco baritone guitar. can anyone help me locate some? website? ebay doesn’t have any. thanks.

    1. Re: baritone guitar or 6 string bass
      jack ingles

      : i’m looking for a teisco baritone guitar. can anyone help me locate some? website? ebay doesn’t have any. thanks.

      I have one… Just like the guys in Scientific and Blonde Redhead… It’s going to cost you big money though, I suggest you try finding a Fender Bass VI re-issue or a Danelectro Hodad Baritone. The Teisco baritones are super, super rare. I’ll entertain offers though… don’t insult me though.

      1. Re: baritone guitar or 6 string bass

        [The body of this post has been reconstituted from replies so it may differ from what was originally written.]

        : : i’m looking for a teisco baritone guitar. can anyone help me locate some? website? ebay doesn’t have any. thanks.
        : I have
        one… Just like the guys in Scientific and Blonde Redhead… It’s going to cost you big money though, I suggest you try finding a Fender Bass VI re-issue or a Danelectro Hodad Baritone. The Teisco baritones are super, super rare. I’ll entertain offers though… don’t insult me though
        I DON"T HAVE ONE

          1. Re: This popular thread has been given its own page :... mark sciarrino
            mark sciarrino

            I have one, but am not selling it. Don’t buy a reissued bass VI, and certainly don’t buy a danelectro. They suck. Buy a Teisco bass similar to the baritone you are looking for, and then add two tuning keys to it, change the nut and the bridge and you will have the baritone you wanted, all for under about 600 including the work.

            : : : i’m looking for a teisco baritone guitar. can anyone help me locate some? website? ebay doesn’t have any. thanks.

            : : I have

            : one… Just like the guys in Scientific and Blonde Redhead… It’s going to cost you big money though, I suggest you try finding a Fender Bass VI re-issue or a Danelectro Hodad Baritone. The Teisco baritones are super, super rare. I’ll entertain offers though… don’t insult me though

            : I DON"T HAVE ONE

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