the ridmeister aka Alex ridgway. Advanced rock blues and jazz mp3s, tuition, advice, licks,chops, theory, its all free.
4 thoughts on “the ridmeisters advanced guitar page”
how dare you
alex ridgway
how dare you use my world reknown name to get hits on your internet site. your level of guitar playing doesnt even touch my little finger on a bad day. you shall be hearing from my lawyer
i thank you
the one they call sausagefoot ridgway
how dare you use my world reknown name to get hits on your internet site. your level of guitar playing doesnt even touch my little finger on a bad day. you shall be hearing from my lawyer
i thank you
the one they call sausagefoot ridgway
alex this is not a good site it ssssssoooooo wank apart from the shrimp and james’ belches
c you
redo this wank site!
great site! plenty of info and 1 to 1 help. all youll ever need!
JOmän visst! Well all i can see is a boring black page! Ah! Tja jag kan trycka där uppe på den dära "200 guitars database…" Well i give it a sk. shoot