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    • #68172

      not seen him auction any more items, looks like he’s keeping a low profile, theres never a copper around when you need him is there?

    • #68146

      No prob, Eric (nice to see you back). I follow your original thinking, now. Yes, the first sale was totally legitimate and desc’d as a “Fender Style” Tele (FMC lawyers would get narky about it – Rickenbacker are even worse – but who cares about them?) so any buyer knew what they were getting. In fact, I thought it was damned good one as visuals go. The “top-hat” selector and all. Surprised it only pulled £60 now that FMC have trademarked their headstocks.

      Valkyrieride, the re-seller is a different matter. He’s pedalling a con and I might just put him in my “favourite sellers -NOT” list to see what else he’s up to.*

      I’m with you, Eric – if we stick together these eBay scams can be eroded, if not stamped out completely.

      (*abstract joke for people who’ve seen Looney Toons and heard Wagner, or just for Valkyrie himself. “Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit”… etc)

    • #68171

      I stand corrected! Upon closer examination of the 2nd auction, it’s clear something is fishy…

      Keep up the good work! We musicians must stand together to protect one another!


    • #68154

      Judging by the subject title in the post, yes, Lee. Groove, have another look at the links Lee provided. Lee’s doing a service here. The first sale is for a “Tele Style” guitar, no headstock logo, sold for £60 to Valkyrieride. The second auction is for the same guitar, put up by Valkerieride, but a “Fender” logo has magically appeared on the headstock. Along with a “I don’t know much but…” (ie, no comeback when the cheque’s cashed) desc.

      That is fraud, plain and simple. It’s not harassing an honest seller. If Valk could explain how a logo suddenly appeared, I’d love to hear it.

    • #68150

      which auction are you refering to? surely not the one i posted.

    • #68153

      Seems to me Jammin’ Hot is harrassing a perfectly fair and honest ebayer. He clearly states in his auction, this is a Tele “style” guitar. Anyone can clearly see he isn’t trying to pass it off as a authentic Fender.

    • #68142

      For instance, don’t buy this, or any of his other auctions. You know it doesn’t make sense.

    • #68174

      Great spot, Lee. The auction has been ended, but not by eBay. Expect this one to re-surface when the heat dies down. As you say, “Valkerieride” is a total git. The previous auction (that he won) features no headstock logo. Ergo, he stuck one on, then pedalled a “looks unusual to me but I’m no expert” story. These arses are all over Fleeb. Reporting a suspect fraud to Fleeb is murder; they really do make it an obstacle course.

      I do know how to alert Fleeb, and I take great pleasure in knocking this sort of rip-off down so let me know of any others. Also, take it from me, Fleeb people watch fora like this. They move slowly if you tell them directly, but they move darn quick if guitarists/amp owners start posting worldwide on a respected forum. They don’t like to see “eBay scam” posted on a forum, and they search for it, which is why I’ve just typed it 🙂 .

      Most people know about the “zero feedback, selling brother’s ’57 Strat for $2000” scammer, but there are the slightly more clever ones who’ll settle for just a few hundred. Lot’s of tell-tale signs if you look carefully. Let’s make this an eBay Scam-Watch thread – for the benefit of all.


      (ps, Fleeb did stop one for me inside 24hrs. A zero newbie from Bolton, Lancashire selling a 1959 sunburst LP for £1500 up “email me for a BIN price”. The LP was pic’d on a sunbed next to a swimming pool. I told Fleeb if they could find an outdoor swimming pool in Bolton I’d buy the damn guitar for them. They pulled the auction 😆 )

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