Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics Washburn F11 strings……

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  • #19923

    Just got this guitar and was wondering on any suggestions for new strings, the only other acoustics I have are an ovation and a fender (A/E’s), and they play more like an electric, and I use regular ole gibson LP strings on em (11’s, and play em plugged in), I put a set of gibsons on the washburn and they doen’t cut it, the original strings on it sounded much better… but I have no idea what kind they were, so I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for acoustic strings for this guitar… I plan to play delta/country-ish stuff, and am partial to heavy strings. Any suggestions appriciated.

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    • #96087

      I have the same guitar, I think the Facotry strings were Dean Markley’s of some kind.

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