Guitarsite Homepage Forums Guitar Discussion Guitar What are the best songs to play to get you some action?

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  • #24756

    I’m talking avout ‘action’ with the opposite sex….

    I was teaching one of my students earlier and he wants me to teach him songs that will get him in the sack with the ladies!

    Which ones should I teach him?

    Think classic guaranteed babe magnet songs that will get my student some serious action… 🙂

    (It’s what being a good teacher is all about, no?!!)

    Thanks in advance…


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    • #78199

      That’s actually quite good for Babelfish. I usually expect it to come up with something like “My aunt’s penis digs the soil.” Endless fun can be had going French-English-French-English on Babelfish. Within a short time, it looks like an eBay listing.

    • #78168

      Alternatively, get your student to learn French. “Le stylo de ma tante est dans le jardin” works a treat if the accent is worked on.[/quote]

      ‘The pen of my aunt is in the garden’

      Damn babelfish

    • #127083

      While I feel uncomfortable recommending “ChickinSack” songs, I do remember Patti Smith’s “Because the Night” startlingly changing the attitude of a girl I knew and, if this YooToob clip from “Old Grey Whistle Test” and the comments are anything to go by:,

      its effects cross language boundaries. It even gives John McEnroe an insight into the feminine side. The obvious problems are a female vocal (gawd knows how awful it is when writer Springsteen performs it) and hefty piano input.

      Another “turns to putty” song is “Mad As The Snow” by “Kitchens of Distinction” from the “Death of Cool” album. On YooToob, there is only a live performance, complete with initial heckling, but the album track has oestrogen pouring out of it. Again, there is the slight problem that both guitarist and bass player have to know their fretboards in order to make this one work.

      Alternatively, get your student to learn French. “Le stylo de ma tante est dans le jardin” works a treat if the accent is worked on.

    • #127084

      Take the Mick Ronson route.

    • #127082

      My first year at uni (when I was ‘available’ shall we say) Madge had just done American Pie which seemed to make the original a winner.

      Although my GF was more Ziggy… so what do I know 😕

    • #78148

      In my neck of the global woods, Tom Petty’s “American Girl” always gets the ladies going. Rick Springfield 😥 tunes are good too if you can stomach playing them. “Jesse is a friend…” SCREAM!!!!

      Hey JohnnyLondinium, I hope you’d also give your student a brief speech about the responsibilities that follow when the skirts are going your way. Also warn him that every woman – no matter how calm, cool, and collected on the outside – has a deep vein of pure madness running just below the surface. 😉

    • #78077

      Hot. For. Teacher.

      EDIT: Errr, I just realized that might not convey the best impression of yourself, as a teacher so to speak.

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