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  • #23663
    Guitar Expert

    by Doc Dosco

    This week, I would like to present a hot new jazz guitarist on the
    scene. Mark Mosley is a fine player and also writes for several online
    guitar journals. At the bottom you can find links to to his recent interview with
    Jazz Guitar Life, and his section of articles and sound clips at

    Check him out. It will be well worth it…


    Born into a Military family, Mark Mosley lived in Germany as a young
    child and later lived in various states in the U.S. He played football
    in the J.V and Varsity leagues as Quarterback. After his High School
    Jazz ensemble performed at the Montreux Jazz Festival, he gave up
    football to pursue music in the Army Band field. While in Korea and
    Germany he continued to hone his jazz chops, but didn’t really start an
    intense period of ‘sitting in with greats’ until he was stationed in
    N.J. While on active duty with the 82nd airborne he earned the C-1
    qualifier, which qualified him as a guitarist for any special band based
    on sight reading abilities.

    He elected to leave a special band in Germany to pursue making a living
    solely as a Jazz guitarist. Upon returning to the States he earned his
    B.S degree. Following that, he toured Spain with Lou Donaldson and
    played at the Village Vanguard with Keter Betts and Gary Bartz. He has
    performed at many other events that include TV and radio appearances
    and at major venues such as the Montpelier Arts Center.

    The Mark Mosley Trio is featured every Saturday at the Sala Thai
    Restaurant at 1301 U Street NW in Washington. D.C. As well as being an
    accomplished player, Mark sings and writes his own material and like many
    great guitarists before him, has chosen to be lead his own

    Mark’s homepage is at . Be sure to look out for his new
    Myspace website that will contain scheduled performance information and
    other features.

    Interview with Mark:

    Mark Mosley at Modern Guitars (Articles and Sound Clips):

    Mark’s Homepage:

    Doc Dosco is a jazz guitarist, composer and audio consultant living in Los Angeles, CA. His website is located at, where you can find more information on the ‘What’s Hot with Jazz Guitar’ columns, audio clips of Doc’s playing, and many additional features. Doc endorses Heritage Guitars and is featured artist on their website. He also endorses the new Pignose Valve Tube Amps — great for jazz (and anything else!)

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