Guitarsite Homepage Forums Discussion Popular Topics who made my guitar?

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  • #20898

    I received my guitar as a gift in the mid 70’s. It is a classic sunburt , great sound, no brand name guitar. On the back , between the tuning pegs, is printed Model No.
    319.12210000 numbers 12210 are underlined

    Directly in the sound hole, is a sticker with the name and addres of the music store where purchased. They do not appear to still be in business.

    Inside the sound hole, just above the mom and pop retail store name and address, are the following numbers and letter printed directly on the wood.


    Also, on the front , between the tuning head is stamped Made in USA

    Any help is appreciated

    Thanks, Miker

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  • Author
    • #56896

      I have an A RAM DYNAMIC LEADER electric guitar that I have no idea what it is or what it is worth. My friend was in the army and left it to me before he died. I wanted to restore it and make it like new, but if it is a super duper custom masterpiece and the guitar GODs might smite me where I stand if I even took a piece of sandpaper to it.

    • #54598

      Any guitar of value will have definitive markings placed there by the manufacturer

    • #54569

      I bought an electric guitar a while back and it’s always bugged me about who actually made it.
      It appears to be an unbraded guitar, but there’s is a huge print in the body that says “AXE” which was printed on it from the manufacturer. Anyone has any idea what it actually is would be great 🙂
      Thanks alot guys.

    • #54552

      Can anyone help me find out about my guitar.
      My dad gave me his from when he bought it second hand in his teens. It is a Gibson Les Paul shape guitar with a small French flag logo on the headstock and no other markings.
      I would be grateful if someone could point me in the direction of where I could get some info about the guitar. I can send photos.


    • #54202

      would like to know if this guitar is worth anything??
      the numbers printed on the wood is 8337H1221. i would like any help u can give me.

      thank u debbie

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