Best Of The Best Tab Sites

Top guitar tab sites on the internet, many listings available, please feel free to add your site if you have one

178 thoughts on “Best Of The Best Tab Sites”

  1. maggie may tabs or chords
    bj stark

    i need the tabs to rod stewarts maggie may or behind blue eyes. dont recall the artist for that one. please help. thanks.

  2. Accurate Metallica ST. ANGER album tabs
    Brian David Denney

    I’ve been looking for REALLY ACCURATE St. Anger tablatures ever since the album came out. Could you help me?

    1. Re: winger tab/cords for miles away

      i have it, add me to msn messenger and i am currently looking for a drum tab for this song, but i have the guitar,bass,keyboard and vocal pieces

    1. Re: Maxwell

      I’m looking for this tabs ( whenever wherever whatever )
      if anybody can help me please answer me to my mail
      thanks a lot

  3. mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

    anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!! i’ve been searching for it for a long time!! thanks 🙂 appreciate it!


    1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

      yeah can i get an email with the tab also? i absolutley love this song!! hahaha please… anyone?… …please…

      1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

        heyy someone can u plz send me the tabs to maxell whenever wherever whatever i realli realli need this song!! i love it so much

      2. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

        Yeah, can someone email me the tab to this song also, I have to perform it on the 27th of this month for a friend. Please, and thanks.

    2. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever - did you ever get it and could you share it. thanks

      : anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!! i’ve been searching for it for a long time!! thanks 🙂 appreciate it!

      : sincerely,
      : cindy

    3. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

      : anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!!

      : sincerely,

      1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

        : : anyone have the tab for this song? I need it for my sister’s wedding. Can someone send it to me PLZ?!?!?

        : : sincerely,
        : :Jay

    4. Re: maxwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

      i’ve been looking for this specific song for a while now… no such luck though… if anyone comes across it or somehow knows how to play it, please share the wealth… thanks

      1. Re: maxwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

        i know it was a while ago posted on this forum but could you hook it up with the music if you still have it?

    5. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever
      Hey me too! I badly need it! thanks in advance!

      : anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!! i’ve been searching for it for a long time!! thanks 🙂 appreciate it!

      : sincerely,
      : cindy

      1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

        I want this song too…this is pretty hard to find
        please e-mail me with this tab or chords

        : : anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!! i’ve been searching for it for a long time!! thanks 🙂 appreciate it!

        : : sincerely,
        : : cindy

        1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

          : I want this song too…this is pretty hard to find
          : please e-mail me with this tab or chords

          : : : anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!! i’ve been searching for it for a long time!! thanks 🙂 appreciate it!

          : : : sincerely,
          : : : cindy

          mee too!!

    6. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever
      Hey me too! I badly need it! thanks in advance!

      : anyone have the tab for this song? or can figure it out please email me!! i’ve been searching for it for a long time!! thanks 🙂 appreciate it!

      : sincerely,
      : cindy

        1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

          : can someone send me the tab too?! thanx i really appreciate it!!! Please i’ve been searching forever

          1. Re: mazwell - whenever, wherever, whatever

            : : can someone send me the tab too?! thanx i really appreciate it!!! Please i’ve been searching forever
            My Too

    1. Re: Depuis le premier jour-Isabelle Boulay

      : Bonjour! Je recherche la partition de piano avec les paroles et les accords de "Depuis le premier jour d’Isabelle Boulay". Est-ce que quelqu’un l’a?

      : Merci

      1. Re: Depuis le premier jour-Isabelle Boulay

        : : Bonjour! Je recherche la partition de piano ou guitare(tablature)avec les paroles et les accords de "Depuis le premier jour d’Isabelle Boulay". Est-ce que quelqu’un l’a?

        : : Merci

    2. Re: Depuis le premier jour-Isabelle Boulay
      Alain Holloway

      Bonjour a tous, et bien voici la vrai version de Isabelle a la guitare, dans la version original il y a plusieurs guitares mais je vous tracerai ici la version simple mais tout de meme jolie de cette superbe chanson.


      intro: D, A, Bm, G, D, A, Bm7

      couplet: D, A, Bm..Bm11, G..A6sus4, Em..Em7, C, Em, Gm6+9

      pont: Bm, G, Bm, G..A6sus4, Em, F#m, G, Gm, A

      refrain: |D, A, Bm, Em, G, Bm, A 😐

      et voila en gros ce que ca donne, lorsque j’ecris les accord avec .. ca veut dire de passage, ecouter bien et vous comprendrai ce que je veux dire…



    3. Re: Depuis le premier jour-Isabelle Boulay
      karine perron

      : Bonjour! Je recherche la partition de guitare avec les paroles et les accords de "Depuis le premier jour d’Isabelle Boulay". Est-ce que quelqu’un l’a?

      : Merci

    4. Depuis le premier jour-Isabelle Boulay

      Bonjour! Je recherche la partition de violon avec les paroles de "Depuis le premier jour d’Isabelle Boulay". Est-ce que quelqu’un l’aurais? Si oui jaimerais vraiment l’avoir!


    5. Re: Depuis le premier jour-Isabelle Boulay

      : Bonjour! Je recherche la partition de piano ou de violon de "Depuis le premier jour d’Isabelle Boulay". Est-ce que quelqu’un l’a?si oui ecriver moi!!!

      : Merci

    6. Re: This popular thread has been given its own page :... Amélie

      Bonjour! Je recherche la partition de guitare ou de piano avec les paroles et les accords de "Depuis le premier jour d’Isabelle Boulay". Est-ce que quelqu’un l’a?


  4. Ordinary World acoustic version tab !!!!!

    Please, if somebody have it or knows where i can find it, send me the tab or the URL. Thanks

    1. Re: Ordinary World acoustic version tab !!!!!

      Spent about 2 days and got most of the chords but still working on small parts that are tricky. Song sound exactly as original.

    2. Re: Ordinary World acoustic version tab !!!!!

      I am lookin for it as well please send it to me, I will have a good hunt as well. thanx dudes.

      1. Re: Ordinary World acoustic version tab !!!!!

        : I am lookin for it as well please send it to me, I will have a good hunt as well. thanx dudes.

        1. Re: Ordinary World acoustic version tab !!!!!

          : : I am lookin for it as well please send it to me, I will have a good hunt as well. thanx dudes. I LOVE this song…

  5. Jimmy Eat World Bass Tab - Your New Aesthetic
    joe seed

    Does anyone have a good bass tab for this? I can’t find a decent one anywhere.

    1. Re: Jimmy Eat World Bass Tab - Your New Aesthetic

      : Does anyone have a good bass tab for this? I can’t find a decent one anywhere.

      No sorry but does anybody know were some decent bass tab is

    2. Re: Jimmy Eat World Bass Tab - Your New Aesthetic

      : Does anyone have a good bass tab for this? I can’t find a decent one anywhere.
      i need a guitar tab

  6. Winger "Headed For A Heartbreak" Tab

    Hey. If anybody knows the tablature or guitar chords for Winger’s "Headed For A Heartbreak," preferably in DROP D tuning, please email them to me. Also, anybody know "Miles Away?" IF so, send that, too!!

  7. if you dont,dont

    if u still need this…here what ive got so far its close..but i think the chorus is wrong,

    verse : c#, f#

    bridge: a#,f#,c#,g#

    chrorus: f#,G#..c,c#..not sure about last two chords,,,can anyone help

    dont forget its played on drop d tuning

    1. Re: if you dont,dont
      me two

      Hey kiddies….me was close enough for the amateur player and not very good at that…here’s the way mr. adkins does it (on the verse, the Fmaj7 chord only if you are soloing, otherwise stay at the Cmaj7 chord and let the bass ride the bottom change). You can find the acoustic version using LimeWire or BearShare for reference.

      First…capo the first fret…..

      Verse Cmaj7….Fmaj7
      Pre-Chorus Am….Fmaj7….C….G
      Chorus Fmaj7…G…..Em…Fmaj7

      Cmaj7 X-+-+-0-0-0

      Fmaj7 X-X-+-+-+-0

      Am X-0-+-+-+-0

      G X-X-+-+-+-0

      Em 0-+-+-0-0-0

      C X-+-+-0-+-0

      : if u still need this…here what ive got so far its close..but i think the chorus is wrong,

      : verse : c#, f#

      : bridge: a#,f#,c#,g#

      : chrorus: f#,G#..c,c#..not sure about last two chords,,,can anyone help

      : dont forget its played on drop d tuning

  8. jimmy eat world bass tabs for authority song

    if anyone has the bass tabs for jimmy eat world’s authority song please email me. thanks.

    1. Re: jimmy eat world bass tabs for authority song
      justin wheatley

      : if anyone has the bass tabs for jimmy eat world’s authority song please email me. thanks.

      1. Re: jimmy eat world bass tabs for authority song
        Reed Dunkle

        : : if anyone has the official bass tabs for jimmy eat world’s authority song please email me. thanks.
        I copmensated by just using the root notes of the Guitar Tabs (which are incredibly easy to find), and added my own riffs along with what I could hear from the song. I couldn’t find the bass tabs ANYWHERE, so if someone has just the URL for a site, that would be enough. Thank you.

    1. Need If you dont, dont Tabs Badly!!!!!!!!!!
      Francis Gaglio

      Hey, need if you dont, dont tabs badly, need them for my girlfriend. Havent been able to find them anywhere, please, help me!!!!!!!!

  9. need jimmy eat world tabs
    Chris Trudeau

    hey, if anyone knows or has the tabs to the songs praise chorous and get if faster by jimmy eat world, could you email them to me, i need them for a school dance i’m playing, and i can’t figure them out, thanks.

    1. Re: blink 182 tabs

      G|–4————0——2-|OR START WITH|G|—-0—0-|

    2. Re: blink 182 tabs

      G|–4————0——2-|OR START WITH|G|—-0—0-|
      E|————————| E|———-|

    3. Re: blink 182 tabs

      E|————————| E|———-|
      B|————————| B|–0——-|
      G|–4————0——2-| OR START WITH G|—-0—0-|
      D|—-5—5———-0—-| D|0—–0—|
      A|5—–5——3—3——| A|———-|
      E|————————| E|———-|

  10. My Sundown
    Amber Simon

    Hey if anyone has the tabs to "My Sundown" by Jimmy Eat World please send them to me I really want to learn that song. Thank you, Amber

    1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      Check out the official site and you have 1 of 2 options either click on discography and some of the songs have tabs also try clicking links and then fansites and the site titled fake yellow light will have a butt-load

    1. Re: harvest for the world guitar tab
      Charles S.

      : is the any body out there in rock’n’ roll land who has the tabs for harvest for the world by the isely brothers

      Did anyone give you a copy? I need to find a copy also. Thanks..

    2. Re: harvest for the world guitar tab
      Joe Conte

      : is the any body out there in rock’n’ roll land who has the tabs for harvest for the world by the isely brothers

      Yes come on when will there be a harvest for the world tab?
      Please send me a copy if anyone has one.

    3. Re: harvest for the world guitar tab

      : is the any body out there in rock’n’ roll land who has the tabs for harvest for the world by the isely brothers

      i’ve got a midi file that i’m trying to decode in cubase score to get the guitar part. basically i’ve got the keyboard voicing, which is miles off what you could play on guitar, but i’m working on it! i’ll mail you if i’m happy with the results

    4. Re: This popular thread has been given its own page :... TIM RANDLES

      is the any body out there in rock’n’ roll land who has the tabs for harvest for the world by the isely brothers

  11. Jimmy eat world - the middle tabs including solo if possible

    I need the tab for jimmy eat world – the middle including the solo if possible cos it is a class song so can some 1 please send it to me thanx!!!!!!

    1. Re: Jimmy eat world - the middle tabs including solo if possible

      : I need the tab for jimmy eat world – the middle including the solo if possible cos it is a class song so can some 1 please send it to me thanx!!!!!!

  12. I need Praise Chorus & Your New Aesthetic

    If someone could help me it would be most appriciated. I need Praise Chorus & Your New Aesthetic tabs for both guitar and base. If someone could please e-mail these even if it is just the guitar tab that would be great. [email protected]

    1. Re: Free Internet Exposure For Unsigned Artists
      Bret D.

      Umm… hey im in a small emo/punk band and we are pretty good,we are looking for someone to help us, manage or sing us. just write us back with some info , thnx

  13. bass of brain (junoon)

    hello ,
    everybody can i have the bass tabs of dosti by junoon and plz give it to me as soon as possible..byeeee

  14. Jimmy Eat World Tabs Needed
    Wes Hart

    i would really love to have the tabs to "Hear You Me" from the Bleed American album. Thanks

  15. jimmy eat world: "hear you me"

    hey hey hey…if anyone has the tabs to "hear you me" (from Bleed American, #6), please e mail me….thanks!!!

  16. I NEED JEW's "IF YOU DON'T YOU DON'T" Guitar Tab!

    Hey if anyone has the "If you don’t you don’t" tab I PLEASE e-mail me! Thanks

  17. JEW tabs/chords.....whatever

    I know it’s the same question everyone’s asked…and probably no one will reply to this but that’s not gonna stop me, I get very frustrated with tablature and if anyone knows the names of the chords to Jimmy songs then that is much easier for me to understand…..I particularly want chords/tabs to hear you me, sweetness and no sensitivity, but anything, and I mean anything else you have would be good.

  18. Bleed American

    please, kindest sirs or madams, send me as much guitar tablature as a you can of the new "Bleed American" Lp. i would most sincerely appreciate it.

  19. Bleed American

    Want tabs for Jimmy Eat World–Bleed American Album or at least:
    "your house"
    "If you don’t,dont"
    "the authority song"

  20. jimmy eat world tabs
    Erik Maurer

    please send me tabs on the song middle off jimmy eat world’s new album bleed american thanx!

    1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : please send me tabs on the song middle off jimmy eat world’s new album bleed american thanx!

      1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

        Please send me Jimmy Eat World guitar tabs for:
        the most beautiful things
        and get it faster!

    2. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : please send me tabs on the song middle off jimmy eat world’s new album bleed american thanx!

      Are you an idiot? The entire song is three chords.

        1. Jimmy eat world "your house" tabs

          hey i found some tabs for "your house" at I was searching for it when i saw your message under the link so hope you find it, goodluck. L8er

    3. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : please send me tabs on the song middle off jimmy eat world’s new album bleed american thanx!

      id really like ‘get it faster’ ‘the middle’ and ‘bleed american’.
      thanx a heap

    4. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : please send me tabs on the song middle off jimmy eat world’s new album bleed american thanx! ME TOO

      1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs
        Jeremiah Hodge

        I need tabs for following please and every part also
        What I would say to you Now bass+guitar
        Get if Faster bass+guitar
        Rockstar bass+guitar
        Christmas Card bass+guitar
        Sweetness bass+guitar Im doing this in front of my school and i would love them to be 100% correct please thanks for your time.

  21. jimmy eat world tabs

    i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

        cori qrem

        : NIRVANA ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!
        kurt cobain is the fucking punk god and guitar legend!!!!!!!!! (2/20/67 – 4/5/94)
        Kurt Donald Cobain

    1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      hey ive looked all over but cant find a tab for if u dont dont or in a house (track 4 if thats what its called) can u help?

      : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

      1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

        Please can you send me the tab for If you don’t don’t,if you finally get it.

    2. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      hey ive looked all over but cant find a tab for if u dont dont or in a house (track 4 if thats what its called) can u help?

      : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

    3. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      hey there! send a fellow guitarist what you’ve got. :O) thanks a bunch. i’m a beginner that can barely read tabs so if you can include all chords with the tabs i’d really appreciate it. thanks!!

    4. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      if you could send me the tabs to my sundown and the most beautiful thing it would be excellent thanks man later

    5. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

      1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs
        Thomas Riley

        : : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

        1. the middle's tab please

          : : : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

    6. Nirvana and Silverchair

      If any body want Nirvana,Silverchair or Muse tabs.SEND ME ONLY AN E MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Re: Nirvana and Silverchair
        kurt Bellamy

        : If any body want Nirvana,Silverchair or Muse tabs.SEND ME ONLY AN E MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        : 🙂
        cheers man

    7. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      we have found the main part in "For me this is heaven" but if you have the whole thing i would appreciate it. Thanks

    8. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      we have found the main part in "For me this is heaven" but if you have the whole thing i would appreciate it. Thanks

      1. tab for 'my sundown' ne1? please!

        Hey. im kinda new here but if any1 here hasn the tab to ‘my sundown’ i would love to hav it- its my girlfriends favorite song. cheerz

    9. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

      1. Re: i would like your clarity tabs

        : : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

      2. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

        Have you got the tab for "A praise chorus"? I dunno wot album its on cos iv only just heard the song but it sounds a good one to learn. If u have it cud u send it to me? Cheers

    10. Re: jimmy eat world tabs
      Andrew Rayment

      Cool could you send me the jimmy eat world tabs you have. i would greatly apreciate it

    11. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

      1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs
        nichole aramapakul

        : : i’ve got all the tabs for clarity and i think i’ve figured out a bunch of other songs as well. e-mail me and i’ll send what i’ve got

        1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

          hey if anyone has the tabs for the new album, bleed american, i would love to learn some of their stuff. if you could email that to me it would be great. thanks a lot

      2. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

        can you send me the tabs for clarity and for the song sweetness? if you have them.

        1. Re: jimmy eat world tabs
          nichole aramapakul

          Please send me all the tabs you have for clarity and your new asthetic, the slower version. Thank you

    12. Re: jimmy eat world tabs

      I’m looking for tabs, for The most beautiful Thing. So if you have it I would be so happy if i could get it.

    13. Re: jimmy eat world tabs
      Will Sharp

      I need the song No Sensitivity for my band to practice. If you can get it I would appreciate it.

  22. TAB needed

    help me please
    i need the TAB of "The Last Laugh" from album "Sailing to Philadelphia" (Mark Knopfler)
    thanks alot

    1. Re: TAB needed
      rocky holland

      : help me please
      : i need the TAB of "Sailing to Philadelphia" from album "Sailing to Philadelphia" (Mark Knopfler)
      : thanks alot

  23. ETAB.COM is for sale
    URLMerchant, Inc.

    Thought we’d drop you a note and let you know ETAB.COM is available for purchase if you’re interested. Send us an offer and we’ll see if we can’t get this domain name to you.

  24. Hi,
    Can somebody please send me tab for the mr big song –
    "Promised her te moon".
    Would be a great help.
    Its for a show at school.
    Are the chords difficult

    1. Chris Isaac Mirror Suit

      : can anyone help me please… i am looking for the Mirror
      Suit from Chris Isaac ( blue hotel???)

    2. Chris Isaac Mirror Suit

      : can anyone help me please… i am looking for the Mirror
      Suit from Chris Isaac ( blue hotel???)

      1. Re: Chris Isaac TABS
        Bernard Lupi

        : : can anyone help me please… i am looking for any Chris Isaac guitar tabs ????
        I’m looking for wicked games

      2. Re: Chris Isaac TABS

        I BEG YOU !!!

        SEND ME "WICKED GAMES" TABS !!!!!!!!!!!!
        That’s the only thing I want
        Thank’s in advance!!!!!!!

        1. Re: Chris Isaac TABS

          : I BEG YOU !!!

          : SEND ME "WICKED GAMES" TABS !!!!!!!!!!!!
          : That’s the only thing I want
          : Thank’s in advance!!!!!!!

          1. Re: Chris Isaac TABS
            sandra martinez

            : :
            : : I BEG YOU !!!

            : : SEND ME "WICKED GAMES" TABS !!!!!!!!!!!!
            : : That’s the only thing I want
            : : Thank’s in advance!!!!!!!

            1. Re: Chris Isaac TABS

              : : :
              : : :

              : : : PLEASE SEND ME "WICKED GAMES" TABS !!!!!!!!!!!!
              : : : That’s the only thing I want
              : : : Thank’s in advance!!!!!!!

          2. Re: Chris Isaac guitar chords

            : :
            : : I BEG YOU !!!

            : : SEND ME "WICKED GAMES" guitar chords !!!!!!!!!!!!
            : : That’s the only thing I want
            : : Thank’s in advance!!!!!!!

          3. Re: Chris Isaac TABS

            Yes i want it to please send it to me!!

            : :
            : : I BEG YOU !!!

            : : SEND ME "WICKED GAMES" TABS !!!!!!!!!!!!
            : : That’s the only thing I want
            : : Thank’s in advance!!!!!!!

      1. Re: Chris Isaac TABS

        I would love to take part of Chris Isaac´s Wicked World. If anyone who read this has it, please send it. I would appreciate that more than you probably imagine, really.

  25. pointer sisters
    dennis webster

    can anyone post or tell me where to find I’m so excited and Slowhand by the Pointer Sisters? Thank You, dennis

  26. Jimmy Eat world tabs

    Hey Fellas,

    If anyone has any JImmy Eat World Tabs, please send them
    to me…Thanks a lot

    1. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs

      Well, I can tell you now that "the middle" from bleed American is just D A G D, all the way through, unless there’s a bridge that I’m forgetting.

    2. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs

      i know some tabs from clarity… i don’t know any in depth, but i guess i could try to write them out. i know that most of the stuff is in dropped-d tuning, and is basic power or bar chords. but to hear them live in concert, you hear shit you don’t on the album, so i don’t think my guesses are 100% right.

      1. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs

        Hey hey hey… of all i’ve heard from J.E.W., most of the guitar stuff is pretty simple. i dont know how to tab but i can tell you a quick something:…
        My Sundown: verse- Eb, Bb, G#
        chorus- Bb, G#
        The Middle: verse/chorus- D, A, G, D
        (the rhythm part during the solo is
        still unknown to me)
        Hear You Me: (capo 2) verse- D, D(lift mid. fin.),
        Em, G (note: ring finger
        stays in its place the entire
        chorus- D, A, G
        "on sleepless roads the sleep-
        less go" – D, A, Em, G
        bridge- ???

        1. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs REAL REAL NEED THEM

          : Ok DUDES!!!! I need some Jimmy Eat World tabs. It’d be great if you sent them. Thanks!

        2. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs REAL REAL NEED THEM
          Jordan Griffes

          : Ok DUDES!!!! I need some Jimmy Eat World tabs. It’d be great if you sent them. Thanks!

      2. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs

        : : Hey Fellas,

        : : If anyone has any JImmy Eat World Tabs, please send them
        : : to me…Thanks a lot

        1. Re: Jimmy Eat world tabs

          This site has lots of Jimmy Tabs: It has the most tabs I’ve seen for Jimmy Eat World. I have more sites with JEW but they are pretty much repeats of what indietabs has. They are missing a few, such as Hear you Me. But that one is realy simple and if you need is I can give it to you.

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