Sporting a brighter upgraded display, TC Electronic introduces the follow-up to their popular pedal tuner which lets you tune all the strings in one strum.
Automatic Mechanical Tuners
This new tuner brings with it all the features of the original, while adding improvements in response to user feedback and comments.
Being able to tune all the strings in one strum is what made the original PolyTune popular. Its polyphonic tuning went beyond the limits imposed by traditional tuners and helped reduce the time spent tuning. This main feature is carried over into the 2nd iteration of the pedal.
The pedal’s bright LED matrix display with auto-dimming is another gig friendly feature that users were happy about. However there were some that wanted the LED to be brighter, and so on PolyTune 2, TC Electronic upped the brightness some more. They describe it as “Retina-scorching” bright, which thankfully still automatically dims out via its light sensor. The display is made a bit bigger for easier viewing.
Another user request that was granted by PolyTune 2 is the addition of a chromatic strobe tuner function. This allows for accurate tuning with a 0.5Cent accuracy. On the hardware side, the pedal now comes with a soft click switch that “feels better” than the original.
Aside from these features, TC Electronic retained other notable features. The Tuning Magnet is one of them, it slows down the needle as you get close to the right pitch. MonoPoly is another smart feature that lets the pedal automatically adjust when you are tuning multiple strings or just one. Storing of pitch preferences and true bypass wraps up what the pedal has to offer.
PolyTune 2 is expected to retail for $99. You can find out more about it by visiting TC Electronic.
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